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Arch package nixpkgs unstable package Manjaro Stable package Kali Linux Rolling package

netscanner - Network scanning & diagnostic tool.


  • List HW Interfaces
  • Switching active Interface for scanning & packet-dumping
  • WiFi networks scanning
  • WiFi signals strength (with charts)
  • (IPv4) Pinging CIDR with hostname, oui & mac address
  • (IPv4) Packetdump (TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP)
  • (IPv6) Packetdump (ICMP6)
  • start/pause packetdump
  • scanning open ports (TCP)
  • packet logs filter
  • export scanned ips, ports, packets into csv
  • traffic counting + DNS records


  • ipv6 scanning & dumping


  • Must be run with root privileges.
  • After cargo install You may try to change binary file chown & chmod
  • Export default path is in the user's $HOME directory (linux & macos)
sudo chown root:user /home/user/.cargo/bin/netscanner
sudo chmod u+s /home/user/.cargo/bin/netscanner

Install on Arch Linux

pacman -S netscanner

Install on Alpine(edge) Linux

apk add netscanner --repository=

Install with cargo

cargo install netscanner


netscanner has been made thanks to some awesome libraries that can be found in Cargo.toml file. But mostly I would like to link these two libraries that help me the most:

Created by: Lukas Chleba