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Writing a Solidity static analyzer from scratch.


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Detector ID Description Current blockers Implemented
screamingsnakeconst constant and immutable variables should be declared with a SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
nonpausable Contract is not pausable if the internal _pause and _unpause functions are not exposed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
disableinitializers Initializers on implementation contracts should be disabled Expression parsing; Function signature parsing
interfacemismatch Function signature in the interface is different from the implementation Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Function signature parsing
zeroaddresseth address(0) should not be used to represent Ether Expression parsing
functionorder Order of functions should follow the Solidity style guide Function signature parsing
privatefuncunderscore Private and internal functions should be prefixed with an underscore Function signature parsing
privatevarunderscore Private and internal state variables should be prefixed with an underscore Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
renounceownership If the renounceOwnership(...) is not overriden, ownership can be lost by accident Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Function signature parsing
unusedpayable Function is marked as payable but does not use the msg.value inside the function's body Function signature parsing; Expression parsing
memorytocalldata If function arguments are not modified in the function, they should be declared as calldata Function signature parsing; Expression parsing
rtloverride The U+202E character should not be present in the code
constantvars Variables that never change should be declared as constant Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
immutablevars Variables that are assigned once during construction should be declared as immutable Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
publicexternalfunc A public function that is not called internally should be declared as external Function signature parsing; Expression parsing
unusedimport Unused imports should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution
unusedlocalvar Unused local variables should be removed Expression parsing
unusedstatevar Unused state variables should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
unusedreturn Unused named returns should be removed Expression parsing
unusedstruct Unused structs should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
unusedmodifier Unused modifiers should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
unusedevent Unused events should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
unusedenum Unused enums should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
unusedfunction Unused internal and private functions should be removed Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution; Expression parsing
unusedparams Unused function parameters should be removed Function signature parsing; Expression parsing
redefinedconst Redefined constant and immutable variables should be grouped in a single file Inheritance parsing; Dependency resolution
couldbepure Functions that do not read or modify state should be declared as pure Function signature parsing; Expression parsing
