This repository implements the method described in the paper Learn from Syntax: Improving Pair-wise Aspect and Opinion Terms Extraction with Rich Syntactic Knowledge
- pytorch Library (3.8.0)
- transformers (4.5.1)
- corenlp (4.2)
- torch (1.7.1)
- numpy (1.20.2)
- gensim (4.0.1)
- pandas (1.2.4)
- scikit-learn (0.24.1)
Orignal data comes from TOWE.
We need to obtain the dependency sturcture and POS tags for each data, and save as json format. Pay attention to the file path and modify as needed.
To parse the dependency structure and POS tags, we employ the CoreNLP provided by stanfordnlp.
So please download relavant files first and put it in data/datasets/orignal
We use the NLTK package to obtain the dependency and POS parsing, so we need to modify the code as follows in
line 24:
depparser = CoreNLPDependencyParser(url='')
The url is set according to the real scenario.
The proposed data will be sotored in the dicretory data/datasets/towe/
We also provide some preprocessed examples.
We use embedding bert-cased by bert-base-cased (768d)
python train --config configs/16res_train.conf
python eval --config configs/16res_eval.conf
this code refers to the SpERT