This repository contains the main source code for the ChoiceScript IDE.
Overview of the health of the components that make up the ChoiceScript IDE.
Component | upstream-merge | build / test |
CSIDE/main | N/A | |
ChoiceScript | ||
monaco-editor | ||
vscode-choicescript-languageservice | N/A |
You'll want the following installed in order to build CSIDE:
- NodeJS v10.X and associated version of npm
- Global install of latest grunt-cli (npm install grunt-cli -g)
- mkdocs && mkdocs-localsearch
This is what the CLI runs with. Other versions/combinations may work but please try this combination before reporting a build bug.
- Clone this repo
- cd main
- npm install
- grunt
Optionally you can do "grunt" + build-with-mac, or, build-with-windows, or, build-with-nwjs (both). Otherwise the /build folder will contain the build and the /release folder will contain an nwjs .nw file.
CSIDE specific code is Copyright 2017 by Carey Williams. Used libraries/repos/modules/frameworks are treated with respect to their license(s).
A credit list is maintained at: /source/help/ Please let me know if you spot any missed acknowledgements.