A Deno module to check permissions
import { checkPermissions } from "https://deno.land/x/check_permissions@1.0/mod.ts";
// Check for permissions
await checkPermissions(["read", "env"]);
// If permissions are not granted it will throw a message like this
// Uncaught Error: Missing permissions flags --allow-read --allow-env
// If you dont want it to throw use the option throw: false
await checkPermissions(["read", "env"], {throw: false});
// by using throw: false the function will return a boolean
let hasPermissions = await checkPermissions(["read", "env"], {throw: false});
if(hasPermissions) {
// do some magic
} else {
// do some magic without those permissions
As of Deno 1.5 the --unstable flag is required in order to use the permissions API
Note 2:
For running tests use
deno test --unstable --allow-read