BYOD is a guitar effects plugin with a customisable signal chain that allows users to create their own guitar distortion effects. The plugin contains a wide variety of distortion effects from analog modelled circuits to purely digital creations, along with some musical tone-shaping filters, and a handful of other useful signal processors.
BYOD is open to contributions! If you would like to add new guitar effect processors, please see the documentation.
To build from scratch, you must have CMake installed.
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd BYOD
# initialize and set up submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
# build with CMake
$ cmake -Bbuild
$ cmake --build build --parallel 4
If you'd like to make an optimized "release" build, it is suggested to use some slightly different build commands:
$ cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build build --config Release --parallel 4
BYOD requires CMake version 3.15 or higher, however, BYOD
CLAP builds require CMake 3.21 or higher. CLAP builds can
be disabled by adding -DBYOD_BUILD_CLAP=OFF
to the first
CMake command.
After a successful build, the resulting plugin binaries will be located in
If building for Linux, please review the Linux dependencies used by the BYOD CI pipeline.
By default, OpenGL support is enabled on Windows, and is disabled on all other
platforms. If you would like to override the default behaviour, you can pass the
to the CMake configure step.
- Extra Icons - FontAwesome
- Fuzzy Searching - fuuzysearch
- C++ Utilities:
Credits for the individual processors are shown on the information page for each processor. Big thanks to all who have contributed!
BYOD is open source, and is dual-licensed under the General Public License Version 3. For more details, please see the licensing documentation. Enjoy!