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Project Details

This repository contains a Next.js 14 application integrated with Cypress for both end-to-end (E2E) and component testing that includes a script to index pages from to Algolia and searchable searchbar with autocomplete. Indexed pages show on bottom of search bar for easy access (fine for small test projects)


Algolia Search Client Content API


To deploy this project run

git clone
cd builder-app-starter
npm install

To index pages to Algolia

npm run index-pages

Start Development Server

npm run dev

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the application in action.

Running Tests

Running Cypress Tests in Cypress UI pick either component or E2E

npm run cypress:open

Running Cypress E2E headless

npx cypress run

Running Cypress Component test headless

npx cypress run --component

Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions

The GitHub Actions workflow is configured to perform the following tasks:

1.	Checkout Code: Checks out the code from the repository.
2.	Set Up Node.js: Sets up Node.js environment for the project.
3.	Install Dependencies: Installs the required npm dependencies.
4.	Run Tests: Executes the Cypress tests to ensure the application is working as expected.
5.	Build Application: Builds the Next.js application.
6.	Deploy to Vercel: Deploys the application to Vercel.

Secrets Configuration

For deploying to Vercel, you need to set up a Vercel token as a secret in your GitHub repository:

1.	Go to your GitHub repository.
2.	Navigate to Settings > Secrets > New repository secret.
3.	Add a new secret with the name VERCEL_TOKEN and the value of your Vercel token.

Running the Workflow

The workflow is triggered on every push and pull request to the main branch. It checks out the code, sets up Node.js, installs dependencies, runs tests, builds the application, and deploys it to Vercel.