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Chris Sawczuk edited this page Jan 5, 2023 · 1 revision

It's not working!

Don't worry, you're not alone. This page contains a list of known issues and potential solutions.

Common problems

When I run the program, nothing happens

Make sure you have read and followed the Setup section of the README.

When I run the program, the device's light turns blue, but I get no video

This is a list of reasons you may be getting no video in most common order:

  1. You are not using the USB cable that came with your device - The LGX and LGX2 require high data transfer capable cables (like the USB-C cables that can do Thunderbolt 3). This may also manifest itself as 'garbled output' where you see some frame output, but not consistent full frames.
  2. The HDMI cable that is plugged in may need to be re-inserted
  3. The device producing video isn't actually producing video - verify by plugging it into a HDMI output.
  4. Your computer isn't fast enough to process frame data, resulting in the LGX/LGX2 continuously losing sync, meaning adequate frame data cannot be retrieved.

All but point 4 are easily verified. If you have verified that your setup is conforming to the minimum requirements, then you can attempt to get a summary of performance and timings by running the program with the logging flat:

./lgx2userspace -v

Let the program run for 10-15 seconds and then close it. Upon closing you should get a summary of timings which you can submit on an issue. You cannot be overly verbose when describing your system setup.