is the most fun way to practice software.
If you've ever had trouble setting up angular testing on your own machine, then this is a quick way to start. You should be able to get everything working on just by running npm install.
Sign in to Create a Node box From the command line at the bottom, clone YOUR fork from Github and enter these other lines at the command line as well:
$ git clone
$ cd genshyft
$ npm install
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ grunt install
$ grunt test
You should see all the tests passing.
Run the following command to start the server
grunt dev
This is an easy way to view your pages live. You can now access the website by clicking on preview and port 8888. It will also to rebuild assets automatically after editing a javascript or style file.
You can run individual test suites by running the commands:
grunt test:unit
grunt test:midway
grunt test:e2e
Or everything in order:
grunt test
When watching tests, any save to a spec file will trigger karma to run the tests again for the specific test suite that is active at the time.
You can watch only watch one test suite a time.
grunt autotest:unit
grunt autotest:midway
grunt autotest:e2e