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Scriptable and Node tool for extracting ISBNs from book list exports, optionally including other editions


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Using a book list app or service is a great way to track books you have read and those you want to read. Unfortunately it is quite easy for your "to be read" list to grow until it is difficult to review while browsing books.

Many book sources (libraries, stores, etc.) will let you maintain lists (or wishlists), but there may be no good way to import your "to be read" list from your book list service.

This programs in this repository aim to bridge that gap for services that can import a list of ISBNs. Starting with an export from your book list service, they can:

  1. select a portion of your book list entries (e.g. your "to be read" list)
  2. review entries that are missing ISBNs (some eBooks and audio books do not use ISBNs and book list services sometimes use these as the default edition of a book if you do not pick a different one),
  3. extract the ISBNs of your book entries,
  4. optionally add the ISBNs of other editions of your books (using external services),
  5. produce the extracted (and, optionally, expanded) list of ISBNs.

Then you can upload this list of ISBNs to a book source (i.e. library or book store) to find out which books they have available.


This repository has a Node program for command-line use on "PC" systems (Windows/Mac), and a Scriptable program for use on iOS devices.

Supported Book List Services

The programs understand these services' export formats:

  • Goodreads
    • CSV with its specific set of columns
    • its "shelves" system
  • LibraryThing
    • TSV with its specific set of columns
    • its "collections and tags" system

Suggest your favorite book list format for support in future versions!


This software is developed with Node.js using the IDE and tooling described below. It runs in the iOS Scriptable app, and in Node.js (for easier testing of the functionality that can be shared). A webpage-based version should also be possible, but is not a primary focus.


This repository is set up for use with VS Code. Other editors might benefit from additional Yarn Editor SDKs.


Note: The yarn workspace command version of the following commands uses the workspace's package name. The other top level command uses some form of the path to the package. These might not always be the same (i.e. package.json "name" can be different from the name of the directory that contains the package.json).


Note: Files under tests/ are not included in the package-level tsconfig.json. Those must be processed separately, as shown below.

yarn tsc -p packages/foo
yarn workspace foo run --top-level tsc
packages/foo> yarn run --top-level tsc          # cwd in workspace

yarn tsc -p packages/foo/tests
packages/foo/tests> yarn run --top-level tsc    # cwd in workspace tests


yarn eslint packages/foo
yarn workspace foo run --top-level eslint
packages/foo> yarn run --top-level eslint       # cwd in workspace


yarn rollup -c      # top level config "imports" each package's config

yarn workspace foo run --top-level rollup -c
packages/foo> yarn run --top-level rollup -c    # cwd in workspace


Note: A package.json "script" is used to add --experimental-vm-modules to Node's options. This lets us directly use ESM test files. If Jest is run with/without this flag the cached transformations can cause problems when Jest is run again without/with the flag (e.g. Cannot use import statement outside a module (ESM files, cached with, run again without) and exports is not defined (TS ESM files, cached without, run again with)). So, avoid using --binaries-only/-B with the jest script.

yarn jest               # all tests in all packages
yarn jest packages/foo  # regexp filter test pathnames
yarn jest -t regexp     # regexp filter describe and test strings


The Node tool is not currently bundled and released (if you already have Node, a yarn install and yarn rollup -c should get you there).

The fully-bundled Scriptable tool is released on a separately-rooted ("orphan") branch named released. This pre-bundled file can be used to distribute the program to iOS-only Scriptable users.

The Scriptable content of this branch is created with these steps:

  1. Commit all the desired changes and stash any incomplete changes to tracked files.

    The committed changes to packages/utils/src/version.ts should include a new (previously untagged) version number.

  2. Create an annotated (or annotated and signed) tag for the new release.

     git tag -a v1.0

    The tag's annotation text should include a summary of what has changed.

  3. Make sure the released branch is checked out in a worktree at the top of the main repository. Skip this step, if it is already present.

     git worktree add released
  4. Run the Scriptable release helper:

     yarn workspace scriptable run release

    Or, from inside the Scriptable package:

     packages/Scriptable> yarn run release

    This will check that the worktree is clean and tagged, run a release-mode Rollup, and check the released file's header for a Git description annotation, production mode, and make sure it doesn't have too many newlines (as a proxy for minification).

  5. Commit in the released worktree.

     released> git commit -a

    The commit message should mention which version is being released.


Scriptable and Node tool for extracting ISBNs from book list exports, optionally including other editions








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