Releases: ChrisP-Git/PartSense
Better integration with Openhab
Introducing Flat structure to MQTT, having every data in the same topic
real time data on screen
Change the loop behavior to get real time data refreshed on screen (updated every 2.3 in stable condition) while waiting for an amount time to update data on ThingSpeak / MQTT.
Domoticz Integration
Introduce Domoticz support to graph data.
You need to setup a MQTT (Follow this guide to install Mosquitto on Debian:
Then Create a MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface and a Dummy on Domoticz,
From the Dummy hardware, create as many as virtual devices (one Temp/Humidity, and all others are Custom Sensor). Go to the device list to get the idx of each virtual sensor and apply on config.h file.
First version
First workable version.
Get temperature, humidity, AQI, PM1.0, PM 2.5 and PM 10.
Print real-time data on LCD
Send data on thingspeak every 20 seconds