- bbb8af4 Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.4.1 to 17.5.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 5190386 Bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 3.5.119 to 3.6.128 @dependabot[bot]
- 0f360e6 Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 00aed61 Bump System.Reactive from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 9fe16d0 Bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 3.6.128 to 3.6.133 @dependabot[bot]
- 28c189c Bump coverlet.collector from 3.2.0 to 6.0.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 301cf6d Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.5.0 to 17.6.3 @dependabot[bot]
- b7e7677 Bump stylecop.analyzers from 1.2.0-beta.435 to 1.2.0-beta.507 @dependabot[bot]
- be95355 Bump xunit from 2.4.2 to 2.5.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 1104182 Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.4.5 to 2.5.0 @dependabot[bot]
- e7692c1 Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.3.0 to 4.5.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 66232a7 Bump Moq from 4.18.4 to 4.20.69 @dependabot[bot]
- f0db10f Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.3 to 17.7.2 @dependabot[bot]
- 953f07a Bump xunit from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 @dependabot[bot]
- 574269f Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 @dependabot[bot]
- d120626 Bump Roslynator.Analyzers from 4.5.0 to 4.6.1 @dependabot[bot]
- 94cde9d Bump xunit from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0 @dependabot[bot]
- 6eb46f0 Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.5.1 to 2.5.3 @dependabot[bot]
- efccb47 Merge pull request #25 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk-17.5.0 @ChrisPulman
- db551a3 Merge pull request #26 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Nerdbank.GitVersioning-3.6.128 @ChrisPulman
- 664ccce Merge pull request #27 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Roslynator.Analyzers-4.3.0 @ChrisPulman
- 8a39d6d Merge pull request #28 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/System.Reactive-6.0.0 @ChrisPulman
- 2bfc464 Merge pull request #32 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk-17.6.3 @ChrisPulman
- 806a4f5 Merge pull request #29 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Nerdbank.GitVersioning-3.6.133 @ChrisPulman
- 5098c2d Merge pull request #33 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/stylecop.analyzers-1.2.0-beta.507 @ChrisPulman
- 1bcbc48 Merge pull request #31 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/coverlet.collector-6.0.0 @ChrisPulman
- 5135d23 Merge pull request #35 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/xunit-2.5.0 @ChrisPulman
- b7a01b1 Merge pull request #34 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/xunit.runner.visualstudio-2.5.0 @ChrisPulman
- 3dfe8a4 Merge pull request #36 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Roslynator.Analyzers-4.5.0 @ChrisPulman
- ac5a00e Merge pull request #37 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Moq-4.20.69 @ChrisPulman
- 53ce0ba Merge pull request #38 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk-17.7.2 @ChrisPulman
- 671d244 Merge pull request #40 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/xunit-2.5.1 @ChrisPulman
- 022b603 Merge pull request #39 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/xunit.runner.visualstudio-2.5.1 @ChrisPulman
- b8e9e3a Merge pull request #42 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/Roslynator.Analyzers-4.6.1 @ChrisPulman
- 33fbbbb Merge pull request #43 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/xunit-2.6.0 @ChrisPulman
- 47be3c1 Merge pull request #41 from ChrisPulman/dependabot/nuget/xunit.runner.visualstudio-2.5.3 @ChrisPulman
- 2303bf5 Update add Net8.0 @ChrisPulman
- 9c09f2c Update AddTo to use DisposeWith @ChrisPulman
- 7887731 Merge pull request #44 from ChrisPulman/CP_UpdateToNet8 @ChrisPulman