Misc. ServiceNow Workflow Studio flows, subflows, and actions utilities. These are agnostic solutions and meant as enhancements to ServiceNow delevelopment.
About Retrieves the list of worksheets within an Excel file.
- Excel file is a reference to the sys_attachment table. The file needs to an an .xlsx file.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Sheets an array of sheet namess found in the Excel file.
- _Sheet a comma separated string of Sheets.
- Found is the number of sheets found.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieves information pertaining to the Excel sheet.
- Excel file is a reference to the sys_attachment table. The file needs to an an .xlsx file.
- Sheet is the Excel sheet to get information about.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Columns an array of column names in the Sheet.
- _Columns a comma separated string of Columns.
- Column count is the number of columns in the Sheet.
- Rows an array of row names in the Sheet.
- _Rows a comma separated string of Rows.
- Row count is the number of rows in the Sheet.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieves all of the column and row data from an Excel sheet.
- Excel file is a reference to the sys_attachment table. The file needs to an an .xlsx file.
- Sheet is the Excel sheet to get information about.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Sheet a JSON object containing all of the sheet data.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieves all of the column data from an Excel sheet row.
- Excel file is a reference to the sys_attachment table. The file needs to an an .xlsx file.
- Sheet is the Excel sheet to get information about.
- Row is the row number to retrieve. Note that rows starts with number of 1.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Row a JSON object containing all of the row data.
- _Row a string represenation of the row data.
- Found 1 found the row; else 0.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieves specific column and row value from an Excel sheet.
- Excel file is a reference to the sys_attachment table. The file needs to an an .xlsx file.
- Sheet is the Excel sheet to get information about.
- Row is the row number to retrieve. Note that rows starts with number of 1.
- Column is the column name to retrieve.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Cell a string of the data at the row and coilumn.
- Found 1 found the row; else 0.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Inserts or updates a key value in a JSON structure.
- JSON the JSON object.
- Path a a period delimited string that provides the path where to add the key and value.
- Key is the string key to insert or update.
- Value is the string value of the key.
- Value type re-casts the value to the proper JSON datatype.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- JSON the new JSON object with the added key and value.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieves all of the JSON structure values that match the key.
- JSON the JSON object.
- Key to search for.
- Regex is a toggle stating that they Key provided is a regex pattern.
- Regex flags see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp
- Depth is JSON structure depth to traverse. Default is 0 meaning traverse the entire structure.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Values as an array of strings holding all of the values found.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieve specific JSON value that match the key.
- JSON the JSON object.
- Key path is a period delimited string to the key within the JSON object to retrieve the value.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Value the string represenation of the value.
- Value type the typeof the value; note that object is changed to either array or json to distinguish both.
- Found is true if the value was found; else, false.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Retrieves all of the JSON structure keys.
- JSON the JSON object.
- Depth is JSON structure depth to traverse. Default is 0 meaning traverse the entire structure.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- Keys as an array of strings holding all of the keys found.
- Key paths as an array of strings holding all of period delimited key strings found.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.
About Converts JSON to XML.
- JSON the JSON object.
- Log is a toggle to add a log entry of the resulting outputs.
- XML a XML as a XMLDocument2 string.
- _XML a XML string.
- Error is true if an error was encoutered; else false.
- Error message contains the error message if an error was encountered.