This project was started to refactor the website to make it more accessible. I noticed this HTML was difficult to read and any future update's or addition's to this webpage would be difficult so in this project I changed the elements of the documents to be symantic and easier to read. I condensed the CSS file to a smaller size and made it easier to read.
Note: This layout is designed for desktop viewing, so you may notice that some of the elements don't look like the mock-up at a resolution smaller than 768px.
- Added alt elements to assist with screen readers.
- The title of the HTML page to a asthetically pleasing title of The company name Horiseon with homepage to let users know which page they are on.
- The header element to header from the previous div element. As there is only 1 header I deleted the unnecessary class associated with this section.
- The navigation bar was not identified. So I changed the elements in the HTML file to better identify the navigation bar.
- The image in the center of the homepage was changed to the proper figure element.
- The element of the first section of the homepage was changed to section.
- The elements of the second section of the homepage was changed to aside.
- Changed the elements in the sections to article as each part of the sections could be used on their own.
- The footer was not properlly defined. So the element for footer was changed and the unnecessary class associated with footer was deleted.
- The class descriptor for header was deleted so that the css would apply to the header element.
- Changed the descriptor's for the navigation elements and navigation list.
- Changed the class discriptor's to elemtents and deleted duplicate entries.
Added alt text to make it more accessible.
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