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Theo Chupp edited this page Nov 17, 2017 · 23 revisions

Welcome to Python Power!

Lessons and projects for learning python, with a focus in math and physics

Getting started

  1. Setup on OS X
  2. The Basics
  3. Git

Learning the Ingredients

  1. Built-in types and variables
  2. Strings
  3. Functions
  4. Conditionals
  5. Advanced functions
  6. Input
  7. Basic Collections
  8. Collections - Dictionaries
  9. Loops
  10. Tuples
  11. Classes


Smaller steps designed to verify content learned from the lessons

Pythagorean theory

Requires lesson on Functions

Prime numbers

Prime factors

(Recursive functions)

(Functions as parameters)

Odd man out (Filtering a sequence)

(Transforming a sequence)

That about sums it up (Reducing a sequence)

Hashing it out (Hashing functions)

Ref 1 Ref 2


Large steps working towards building a physics engine

  1. Kinematic equations
    1.1 velocity to position
    1.2 position to velocity
    1.3 acceleration to velocity
    1.4 velocity to acceleration
    1.5 putting it all together
  2. Dropping the ball (1D motion)
    2.1 Defining our subject
    2.2 Moving with a constant speed
    2.3 Bouncing
  3. 2D motion
  4. (Sequences)
  5. (Series)
  6. (Transformation)
  7. (Linear regressions)


Google's Python Course
anandology's Python Practice Book
CodeMentor's Python Cheatsheet for Data Science