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George Dawoud edited this page Nov 12, 2017 · 24 revisions


I get "Too Many Redirects" or errors while making API calls

Please check whether mod_rewrite is working on your server. In addition, read the comment thread at #3153 for more steps on how to diagnose mod_rewrite.

Apache2 VirtualHost Config

see for the config used by our cloud9 dev system.

How do i upgrade my VM to php 7


Internal Server Error

As seen in the following bug report the fix is to run the following command

chmod 755 churchcrm/ -R

Error reporting in PHP

Update the copy of Include\Config.php file change line 56

error_reporting(E_ERROR); to error_reporting(E_ALL);

also see a listing of all PHP error reporting that can be use


Explore various methods for debugging the ChurchCRM application, including turning on error reporting and enabling app logs.

Enable the logs in the System Settings, the default value is INFO but you may want to change that. The logs are created in the /logs dir. Please note that logs are not cleaned by the system and it is up to the admin to clean files.

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