A JavaScript Console Script to get New Move Ins as a CSV / TSV
As an Elder's Quorum we want to review new move-ins on a regular basis. Since our ward is very transient, we sometimes have many new ward members.
This script helps us by scraping existing table and adding the neccessary contact information - which is not available in the default view - so that we can quickly and easily send out welcome messages.
Works when logged into LCR and navigated to the Recent Move-Ins Page:
Copy and run script below in Safari's (or any browser's) JavaScript console to get new members in tab-separated format:
[23 Dec 2020] (___) ___-____ 32 F "Jane Mary Doe" <null@example.com>,
This can be pasted into a Spreadsheet, but is also formatted well enough for email.
function $(sel, el) {
if (!el) {
el = document.body;
return el.querySelector(sel);
function getNewMoveIns() {
let rows = $$("tr");
return Promise.all(
rows.slice(1).map(async function (el) {
var member = memberToJSON(el);
var memberId = member.memberUrl.replace(
var emailUrl =
"https://lcr.churchofjesuschrist.org/services/member-card?id=" +
memberId +
//console.log("id:", memberId);
var mem = await fetch(emailUrl, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(
function (resp) {
return resp.json().then(function (data) {
return data;
member.email = mem.email;
member.birthDate = mem.birthDate;
return member;
function formatTSV(m) {
return (
"[" +
m.moveDate.padStart(11, "0") +
"]" +
"\t" +
formatTel(m.tel) +
"\t" +
m.age +
"\t" +
m.sex +
"\t" +
'"' +
m.first.split(/, /g).reverse().join(" ") +
'" <' +
m.email +
">," +
function memberToJSON(el) {
return {
memberUrl: $("a", el).href,
first: $("td.first", el).innerText,
moveDate: $("td.move-date", el).innerText,
age: $("td.age", el).innerText,
sex: $("td.sex", el).innerText,
adr: $("td.adr", el).innerText,
tel: $("td.tel", el).innerText,
function formatTel(t) {
t = t.replace(/\D/g, "");
if (t.length > 10) {
console.warn("weird tel?", t);
t = t.slice(-10);
if (t.length < 10) {
t = t.padStart(10, "_");
return `(${t.slice(0, 3)}) ${t.slice(3, 6)}-${t.slice(6, 10)}`;
getNewMoveIns().then(function (tsv) {
let text = tsv
.map(function (m) {
//if ('M' != m.sex) {
// console.log("Skipping female", JSON.stringify(m));
// return;
if (!(m.age > 17)) {
console.warn("Skipping minor", JSON.stringify(m));
return "";
return formatTSV(m);