libkcrt provides an easy way to use C Run-time Library from Windows Kernel exported from ntdll.dll in your user-mode applications.
I suggest you use VC-LTL for non-special cases, not the libkcrt.
Under Construction
- Add basic memory allocation support for C and C++.
- Without defining the entry point manually.
- Add static variable initialization support.
- Run-Time Error Checks (/RTC) is not supported.
- C++ Exception Handling is not supported.
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 | Column 6 |
__isascii | _strnicmp | atan | iswdigit | strchr | vsprintf |
__iscsym | _strupr | atoi | iswlower | strcmp | wcscat |
__iscsymf | _swprintf | atol | iswspace | strcpy | wcschr |
__toascii | _ui64toa | bsearch | iswxdigit | strcspn | wcscmp |
_atoi64 | _ui64tow | ceil | isxdigit | strlen | wcscpy |
_i64toa | _ultoa | cos | labs | strncat | wcscspn |
_i64tow | _ultow | fabs | log | strncmp | wcslen |
_itoa | _vscwprintf | floor | mbstowcs | strncpy | wcsncat |
_itow | _vsnprintf | isalnum | memchr | strpbrk | wcsncmp |
_lfind | _vsnwprintf | isalpha | memcmp | strrchr | wcsncpy |
_ltoa | _vswprintf | iscntrl | memcpy | strspn | wcspbrk |
_ltow | _wcsicmp | isdigit | memmove | strstr | wcsrchr |
_memccpy | _wcslwr | isgraph | memset | strtol | wcsspn |
_memicmp | _wcsnicmp | islower | pow | strtoul | wcsstr |
_snprintf | _wcstoui64 | isprint | qsort | swprintf | wcstol |
_snwprintf | _wcsupr | ispunct | sin | tan | wcstombs |
_splitpath | _wtoi | isspace | sprintf | tolower | wcstoul |
_strcmpi | _wtoi64 | isupper | sqrt | toupper | |
_stricmp | _wtol | iswalpha | sscanf | towlower | |
_strlwr | abs | iswctype | strcat | towupper |
libkcrt is distributed under the MIT License.
But the object files in the source directory are extracted from Windows Software Development Kit (BufferOverflow.lib), Windows Driver Kit (ntdllp.lib) and Visual Studio (libcmt.lib), you need to comply with their licenses too.