description |
Welcome to Tangram! |
Use this documentation to get familiar with the Tangram platform and explore its features.
Try the Tangram Light-wallet CLi. Create your first wallet, check your balance, and more by following the steps below.
{% page-ref page="wallets/cli-1/" %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Support" %} We're always happy to help with code or any questions you have.
Go through Tangrams forum discussions
Coming Soon! {% endtab %}
{% tab title="API Discussion Board " %} Join our Tangram forum discussion board to discuss the latest API changes.
Coming Soon! {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Examples" %} Explore some sample projects built by the Tangram community.
Coming Soon! {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Search our documentation, get in touch through our forum (Coming Soon!).
You can also chat live with other developers and community members in #general on Discord.
{% hint style="info" %} Contribution to this document is most welcome! (Coming Soon!) {% endhint %}