This is still being developed actively and is not yet alpha. Open issues here.
- Requesting help
- Adding servers to the cluster
- Configuring servers
- Starting servers
- Stopping servers
- Removing servers
- Java 7 (or higher)
- Apache Mesos 0.19 or newer
- Exhibitor Standalone jar file (or
to build it) - Zookeeper archive file
Clone and build the project
# git clone
# cd exhibitor-mesos-framework
# ./gradlew jar
Build Exhibitor Standalone if necessary (NOTE: version built with Gradle may be affected by this issue so we use Maven build in this example):
# mkdir tmp-exhibitor && cd tmp-exhibitor
# wget
# mvn clean package
# cp target/exhibitor-*.jar ..
# cd .. && rm -rf tmp-exhibitor
Download Apache Zookeeper distribution if you don't have one (or place the archive to the working folder):
# wget
Download Oracle JDK distribution (or place the archive to the working folder). NOTE: please pay attention it MUST be Oracle JDK (not OpenJDK and not JRE) as Exhibitor relies on jps
# wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
Before running ./
, set the location of libmesos:
# export MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY=/usr/local/lib/
If the host running scheduler has several IP addresses you may also need to
The scheduler is configured through the command line.
Following options are available:
Usage: scheduler [options]
-m <value> | --master <value>
Mesos Master addresses. Required.
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
-u <value> | --user <value>
Mesos user. Required.
--ensemblemodifyretries <value>
Number of retries to modify (add/remove server) ensemble. Defaults to 60. Optional.
--ensemblemodifybackoff <value>
Backoff between retries to modify (add/remove server) ensemble in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000. Optional.
-d <value> | --debug <value>
Debug mode. Optional. Defaults to false.
Start the Exhibitor scheduler using this command:
# ./ scheduler --master master:5050 --user root --api http://master:6666
In order not to pass the API url to each CLI call lets export the URL as follows:
# export EM_API=http://master:6666
First lets start 1 Exhibitor with the default settings. Further in the readme you can see how to change these from the defaults.
# ./ add 0
Added servers 0
id: 0
state: Added
constraints: hostname=unique
exhibitor config:
shared config overrides:
cpu: 0.2
mem: 256.0
sharedConfigChangeBackoff: 10000
port: auto
You now have a cluster with 1 server that is not started.
# ./ status
id: 0
state: Added
constraints: hostname=unique
exhibitor config:
shared config overrides:
cpu: 0.2
mem: 256.0
sharedConfigChangeBackoff: 10000
port: auto
Each server requires some basic configuration.
# ./ config 0 --configtype zookeeper --zkconfigconnect --zkconfigzpath /exhibitor/config --zookeeper-install-directory /tmp/zookeeper --zookeeper-data-directory /tmp/zkdata
Updated configuration for servers 0
id: 0
state: Added
constraints: hostname=unique
exhibitor config:
zkconfigzpath: /exhibitor/config
configtype: zookeeper
shared config overrides:
zookeeper-install-directory: /tmp/zookeeper
zookeeper-data-directory: /tmp/zkdata
cpu: 0.2
mem: 256.0
sharedConfigChangeBackoff: 10000
port: auto
Now lets start the server. The state should change from Added
to Stopped
meaning the task is waiting for resources to be offered.
# ./ start 0
Started servers 0
id: 0
state: Stopped
constraints: hostname=unique
exhibitor config:
zkconfigzpath: /exhibitor/config
configtype: zookeeper
shared config overrides:
zookeeper-install-directory: /tmp/zookeeper
zookeeper-data-directory: /tmp/zkdata
cpu: 0.2
mem: 256.0
sharedConfigChangeBackoff: 10000
port: auto
Now as we don't know where the server we may ask for the cluster status to see where the endpoint is.
# ./ status
id: 0
state: Running
endpoint: http://slave0:31000/exhibitor/v1/ui/index.html
constraints: hostname=unique
exhibitor config:
zkconfigzpath: /exhibitor/config
port: 31000
configtype: zookeeper
shared config overrides:
zookeeper-install-directory: /tmp/zookeeper
zookeeper-data-directory: /tmp/zkdata
cpu: 0.2
mem: 256.0
sharedConfigChangeBackoff: 10000
port: auto
By now you should have a single Exhibitor instance running. Here's how you stop it:
# ./ stop 0
Stopped servers 0
If you want to remove the server from the cluster completely you may skip stop
step and call remove
directly (this will call stop
under the hood anyway):
./ remove 0
Removed servers 0
# ./ stop 0
Stopped servers 0
# ./ config 0 --zookeeper-data-directory /tmp/exhibitor_zkdata
Updated configuration for servers 0
id: 0
state: Added
constraints: hostname=unique
exhibitor config:
zkconfigzpath: /exhibitor/config
configtype: zookeeper
shared config overrides:
zookeeper-install-directory: /tmp/zookeeper
zookeeper-data-directory: /tmp/exhibitor_zkdata
cpu: 0.2
mem: 256.0
sharedConfigChangeBackoff: 10000
port: auto
# ./ help
Usage: <command>
help - print this message.
help [cmd] - print command-specific help.
scheduler - start scheduler.
status - print cluster status.
add - add servers to cluster.
config - configure servers in cluster.
start - start servers in cluster.
stop - stop servers in cluster.
remove - remove servers in cluster.
# ./ help add
Usage: add <id> [options]
-c <value> | --cpu <value>
CPUs for server. Optional.
-m <value> | --mem <value>
Memory for server. Optional.
--constraints <value>
Constraints (hostname=like:master,rack=like:1.*). See below. Defaults to 'hostname=unique'. Optional.
-b <value> | --configchangebackoff <value>
Backoff between checks whether the shared configuration changed in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000. Optional.
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
--port <value>
Port ranges to accept, when offer is issued. Optional
constraint examples:
like:slave0 - value equals 'slave0'
unlike:slave0 - value is not equal to 'slave0'
like:slave.* - value starts with 'slave'
unique - all values are unique
cluster - all values are the same
cluster:slave0 - value equals 'slave0'
groupBy - all values are the same
groupBy:3 - all values are within 3 different groups
NOTE: this section is not final and some configurations may change.
# ../ help config
Usage: config <id> [options]
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
--configtype <value>
Config type to use: s3 or zookeeper. Optional.
--configcheckms <value>
Period (ms) to check for shared config updates. Optional.
--defaultconfig <value>
Full path to a file that contains initial/default values for Exhibitor/ZooKeeper config values. The file is a standard property file. Optional.
--headingtext <value>
Extra text to display in UI header. Optional.
--hostname <value>
Hostname to use for this JVM. Optional.
--jquerystyle <value>
Styling used for the JQuery-based UI. Optional.
--loglines <value>
Max lines of logging to keep in memory for display. Default is 1000. Optional.
--nodemodification <value>
If true, the Explorer UI will allow nodes to be modified (use with caution). Default is true. Optional.
--prefspath <value>
Certain values (such as Control Panel values) are stored in a preferences file. By default, Preferences.userRoot() is used. Optional.
--servo <value>
true/false (default is false). If enabled, ZooKeeper will be queried once a minute for its state via the 'mntr' four letter word (this requires ZooKeeper 3.4.x+). Servo will be used to publish this data via JMX. Optional.
--timeout <value>
Connection timeout (ms) for ZK connections. Default is 30000. Optional.
--s3credentials <value>
Credentials to use for s3backup or s3config. Optional.
--s3region <value>
Region for S3 calls (e.g. "eu-west-1"). Optional.
--s3config <value>
The bucket name and key to store the config (s3credentials may be provided as well). Argument is [bucket name]:[key]. Optional.
--s3configprefix <value>
When using AWS S3 shared config files, the prefix to use for values such as locks. Optional.
--zkconfigconnect <value>
The initial connection string for ZooKeeper shared config storage. E.g: host1:2181,host2:2181... Optional.
--zkconfigexhibitorpath <value>
Used if the ZooKeeper shared config is also running Exhibitor. This is the URI path for the REST call. The default is: /. Optional.
--zkconfigexhibitorport <value>
Used if the ZooKeeper shared config is also running Exhibitor. This is the port that Exhibitor is listening on. IMPORTANT: if this value is not set it implies that Exhibitor is not being used on the ZooKeeper shared config. Optional.
--zkconfigpollms <value>
The period in ms to check for changes in the config ensemble. The default is: 10000. Optional.
--zkconfigretry <value>
The retry values to use in the form sleep-ms:retry-qty. The default is: 1000:3. Optional.
--zkconfigzpath <value>
The base ZPath that Exhibitor should use. E.g: /exhibitor/config. Optional.
--filesystembackup <value>
If true, enables file system backup of ZooKeeper log files. Optional.
--s3backup <value>
If true, enables AWS S3 backup of ZooKeeper log files (s3credentials may be provided as well). Optional.
--aclid <value>
Enable ACL for Exhibitor's internal ZooKeeper connection. This sets the ACL's ID. Optional.
--aclperms <value>
Enable ACL for Exhibitor's internal ZooKeeper connection. This sets the ACL's Permissions - a comma list of possible permissions. If this isn't specified the permission is set to ALL. Values: read, write, create, delete, admin. Optional.
--aclscheme <value>
Enable ACL for Exhibitor's internal ZooKeeper connection. This sets the ACL's Scheme. Optional.
--log-index-directory <value>
The directory where indexed Zookeeper logs should be kept. Optional.
--zookeeper-install-directory <value>
The directory where the Zookeeper server is installed. Optional.
--zookeeper-data-directory <value>
The directory where Zookeeper snapshot data is stored. Optional.
--zookeeper-log-directory <value>
The directory where Zookeeper transaction log data is stored. Optional.
--backup-extra <value>
Backup extra shared config. Optional.
--zoo-cfg-extra <value>
Any additional properties to be added to the zoo.cfg file in form: key1\\=value1&key2\\=value2. Optional.
--java-environment <value>
Script to write as the 'java.env' file which gets executed as a part of Zookeeper start script. Optional.
--log4j-properties <value>
Contents of the file. Optional.
--client-port <value>
The port that clients use to connect to Zookeeper. Defaults to 2181. Optional.
--connect-port <value>
The port that other Zookeeper instances use to connect to Zookeeper. Defaults to 2888. Optional.
--election-port <value>
The port that other Zookeeper instances use for election. Defaults to 3888. Optional.
--check-ms <value>
The number of milliseconds between live-ness checks on Zookeeper server. Defaults to 30000. Optional.
--cleanup-period-ms <value>
The number of milliseconds between Zookeeper log file cleanups. Defaults to 43200000. Optional.
--cleanup-max-files <value>
The max number of Zookeeper log files to keep when cleaning up. Defaults to 3. Optional.
--backup-max-store-ms <value>
Backup max store ms shared config. Optional.
--backup-period-ms <value>
Backup period ms shared config. Optional.
--port <value>
Port ranges to accept, when offer is issued. Optional
# ./ help start
Usage: start <id> [options]
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
# ./ help stop
Usage: stop <id> [options]
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
# ./ help remove
Usage: remove <id> [options]
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.