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DevNet React Web App boilerplate

Boilerplate for DevNet React Web App


Exercise 1 : Create a React web application from boilerplate.

Make sure you have installed the latest Node.js installed.

  1. Fork this repo to your github account :
  2. git clone your repo to local. git clone[YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT]/React-Web-App-Boilerplate
  3. Run npm install
  4. Start the dev server using npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:8080

Exercise 2 : Add a route and content

Modify /app/Router.js

  1. Import new page at the top : import Album from './pages/Album';
  2. Add routing in between <Switch> tag : <Route path="/album" component={Album}/>
  3. Click Album link at the top

Exercise 3 : Dockerize it and push to DockerHub

Build production code:

Run npm run production

Build docker image:

Run : docker build -t webapp .

Run container image:

Run : docker run --name webapp -p 8080:80 -it --rm webapp

Stop container:

Run docker rm -f webapp

Tag your image:

  1. Login to
  2. Create a repository with the name : webapp.
  3. Run docker tag webapp [YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT]/webapp:latest at your local.

Push your image:

  1. login to dockerhub. run docker login
  2. Run docker push [YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT]/webapp:latest

Exercise 4 : Deploy to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Set the config file to use :

Run export KUBECONFIG=config/kubeconfig-trial.yaml

Test it

Run kubectl get nodes

You will see something like this :

NAME                                        STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
gke-workshop-1-default-pool-500fed5f-1rp2   Ready     <none>    1d        v1.8.8-gke.0
gke-workshop-1-default-pool-500fed5f-83hl   Ready     <none>    1d        v1.8.8-gke.0
gke-workshop-1-default-pool-500fed5f-szj7   Ready     <none>    1d        v1.8.8-gke.0

Deploy app to k8s

Run kubectl run webapp-[YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT] --image [YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT]/webapp:latest --port 80

check deploy status

Run kubectl get deployment

Expose you app

[PROTNUMBER] is a number between 1000 and 10000.

Run kubectl expose deployment webapp-[YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT] --type "LoadBalancer" --target-port=80 --port=[PROTNUMBER]

Check service status

Run kubectl get service webapp-[YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT]

When the EXTERNAL-IP become available, access that page : http://[EXTERNAL-IP]:[PROTNUMBER]/


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