The save button given from the YFull team, is very helpful, but it allows you to save a modest amount of information, while manually collecting information about your polymorphisms-single-nucleotide can take a lot of time and does not provide the assurance of no mistakes, in this tedious process.
position: {
length: 1,
gBanding: 'Yp11.2'
hg38: 5798214,
hg19: 5666255,
hs1: 5478236,
reads: 15,
allele:'K (G or T)',
data: [
{ allele:'T', reads:4, weight:0.27977315689981097 },
{ allele:'G', reads:11, weight:0.720226843100189 }
probabilityOfError: 0.311447788310899
{SNP: 'Y1941 • FGC2485', mutation: 'T to G', sanger:{test:1, positive:0}, raiting:['****',2], database:['YFull','YBrwser']}