The City of Bloomington is migrating our site to use Drupal as our content management system.
Drupal runs on a standard Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP (LAMP) stack. Instructions for setting up those requirements are beyond the scope of this project, but we do maintain separate repositories to document this:
Specifically, these two roles should yield a working foundation:
- clone the project locally
- run composer update
- build and deploy
- create the database
- add Apache configuration
git clone drupal
When you are applying updates to Drupal, it is vitally important to clear the drupal cache before running composer update
. Drupal's customizations to composer do not check for fresh versions from Github. You must manually delete the old modules and clear composer's cache.
cd drupal
composer clear-cache
cd web/modules/contrib
rm -Rf *
cd ../../themes/contrib
rm -Rf *
cd ../../../
composer update
The build requires sassc to compile the CSS. Once you have sassc installed, you can run make. The will compile all the CSS and create a clean build directory. This will strip out all the Git repo stuff, resulting in a much, much smaller size for the site installation.
cd drupal
I usually use Rsync to deploy the build
cd drupal
rsync -rlve ssh ./build/
create database drupal;
grant all privileges on drupal.* to drupal@localhost identified by 'password';
flush privileges;
Alias /drupal "/srv/sites/drupal/web"
<Directory "/srv/sites/drupal/web">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Include /srv/sites/drupal/web/.htaccess
Once you have the default installation finished, you'll want to enable modules we're using - and disable modules we're not going to use. Disabling modules that are not in use will greatly improve the performance of Drupal.
- Pathauto
- Comment
- Contact
- Contextual Links
- History
- Quick Edit
- Tour
This project is based on an initial setup of Drupal's composer installation: