Rent Rocket is a web based application for crowdsourcing energy usage in rental properties. The goal is to enable renters to make informed decisions of where to rent based on the total cost of a rental property. We hope that this will increase demand for more energy efficient units, which in turn will encourage property owners to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.
To assist with getting a development environment set up quickly, Rent Rocket uses vagrant to create a virtual machine with all of the necessary requirements.
Start with a copy of the source code repository:
git clone rentrocket
Be sure to download and install the latest version of Vagrant: (apt-get versions can be out of date)
Also download and install the latest VirtualBox for your OS:
Then you should be able to:
cd rentrocket vagrant up
This may take a while, but when the command finishes, you should have a working development server.
vagrant ssh
for now, create tables manually:
$ mysql -u root -p
$ CREATE USER 'rentrocket'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'changeme';
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'rentrocket'@'localhost';
$ create database rentrocket;
$ cd /vagrant
$ python syncdb
$ ./ migrate utility
$ ./ migrate building
$ ./ migrate person
$ ./ migrate city
$ ./ migrate content
$ ./ migrate inspection
$ ./ migrate manager
$ ./ migrate source
$ ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount
$ cd /vagrant/scripts
$ python
$ python
$ /home/vagrant/google_appengine/ --host /vagrant
Then, back on your main (host) system, open a browser and navigate to:
The map will be blank... no data has been imported, but everything should work!
Rent Rocket uses the following tools and resources to implement the application:
Source code is available here:
Python, a MySQL server, Django, and the Google App Engine SDK are required for running a local development environment.
Other required libraries have been included in the local project directory so they will be available when deployed to App Engine. They should be available already.
For starting a local development server:
/path/to/google_appengine/ rentrocket
Where rentrocket is your local copy of this repository.
A development server won't do much until the database schema is in place and initial data has been created. This is done with:
python syncdb may need to do this manually... good way to verify it works if values not shown
$ python loaddata rentrocket/fixtures/initial_data.json
$ ./rentrocket/scripts/
field type reference:
$ ./ schemamigration building --auto
$ ./ schemamigration listing --auto
$ ./ schemamigration city --auto
$ ./ schemamigration content --auto
$ ./ schemamigration inspection --auto
$ ./ schemamigration manager --auto
$ ./ schemamigration person --auto
$ ./ schemamigration utility --auto
$ ./ schemamigration source --auto
$ ./ migrate building
$ ./ migrate listing
$ ./ migrate utility
$ ./ migrate city
$ ./ migrate person
$ ./ migrate content
$ ./ migrate inspection
$ ./ migrate manager
$ ./ migrate source
$ ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount
$ python ./scripts/
$ python ./scripts/
$ #if enabled: (not currently)
$ ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount.providers.facebook
$ ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount.providers.twitter
Remove existing tables with a tool like Sequel Pro. Then resync as above:
$ python syncdb
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate building
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate city
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate content
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate inspection
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate manager
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate person
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate utility
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate source
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount.providers.facebook
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' ./ migrate allauth.socialaccount.providers.twitter
Shouldn't need to do this often / ever:
$ rm -rf building/migrations
$ rm -rf city/migrations
$ rm -rf content/migrations
$ rm -rf inspection/migrations
$ rm -rf manager/migrations
$ rm -rf person/migrations
$ rm -rf utility/migrations
$ rm -rf source/migrations
$ ./ schemamigration building --initial
$ ./ schemamigration city --initial
$ ./ schemamigration content --initial
$ ./ schemamigration inspection --initial
$ ./ schemamigration manager --initial
$ ./ schemamigration person --initial
$ ./ schemamigration utility --initial
$ ./ schemamigration source --initial
As mentioned above, these have been included locally already:
sudo pip install geopy
for database migrations:
sudo pip install South
TODO: Figure out how to load initial data.
TODO: Automate this.
If you encounter a DoesNotExist error, chances are Django failed to configure the site domain. You can configure a proper site the shell.
$ python shell
Python 2.7.11 (default, Dec 5 2015, 14:44:53)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
>>> Site.objects.create(name='<DOMAIN_NAME>', domain='<DOMAIN_NAME>')
- localhost (if running on local iron),
- rentrocket.vm (if running as the provided Vagrant box), or
- The public facing domain name of your target environment.
If mail sending is not configured, you can find a printout of registration confirmation emails in STDOUT for the running server. For example:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: [localhost] Please confirm your email address.
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 12:50:30 -0000
Message-ID: <20160223125030.-1.94965@localhost:8080>
Hi test01 and welcome to localhost.
To activate your account, please go here: