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$config edited this page Jul 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

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The $config file contains long json and geojson objects used by MapLibre GL JS.

These include:

  • imageryInfo - json containing the sources for all of Philadelphia's imagery tile-sets
  • pwdDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers for the basic Property and Condos topics
  • liDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers the Licenses & Inspections topic, including the building footprints
  • dorDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers for the Deeds topic, including DOR Parcels and Regmaps
  • zoningDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers for the Zoning topic, including the zoning map
  • stormwaterDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers for the Stormwater topic, including the Stormwater map
  • votingDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers for the Voting topic, including the voting division, and the building icon for the voting location
  • nearbyDrawnMapStyle - sources and layers for the Nearby topic, including the different colored points for the different nearby data
  • $config
    • topicStyles - maps topic names to the styles above
    • parcelLayerForTopic - maps topic name to the parcel layer used for the topic
    • mapLayers - json containing the layers corresponding to all of the imagery sources above, which might be used with any topic
  • ZONING_CODE_MAP - maps zoning code to description and color
  • dorLegendData - json for DOR legend
  • stormwaterLegendData - json for Stormwater legend
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