Sparx Enterprise Architect Extension to generate IDL 4 (RTI Connext DDS) files from the Enteprise Architect UML model.
The IDL4 extension creates a menu entry in Sparx Enterprise Architect that can be used to generate IDL from the current UML Model or parts of that model.
To install the IDL4 extension you must have Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect already installed in your system. The IDL4 extension has been tested with Sparx Enterprise Architect version 10 and version 12.
The IDL generated uses the syntax of the latest version of the OMG IDL specification: IDL 4.0. Note that the syntax of annotations is not fully compliant with IDL 4.0. Rather it uses the OMG DDS-XTYPES syntax that provides backwards compatibility with earlier versions of IDL compilers.
Please use the RTI Community forums to discuss the plugin and provide feedback.
To install the IDL4 extension. You may download an installer with the latest release from here:
Then, double click on its icon and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
The installation includes ExampleDataClasses.eap, an example project file that illustrates the functionality of the extension.
To contribute enhancements or additional functionality to the repository, submit pull requests using the GitHub's usual mechanisms.
IDL4 Sparx Enterprise Architect Extension source code is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.