MCGalaxy is a ClassiCube Server Software based on MCForge, which is in turn based on MCLawl.
Pull requests are welcomed and will be merged in at our own discretion. For more information, visit our wiki.
If you are pushing your commits OR if you are doing a pull request, PLEASE make sure to NORMALIZE your entire local repo if it isn't already normalized. The head repo is already normalized, so if you forked or pulled from the HEAD, everything should be alright. See [this link][4] for more info on re-normalizing your repo.
!NOTE! Commits that do not handle the line-endings correctly WILL be reverted. -
Do not commit large blocks of changes and files. Try to split and group these into smaller related pieces and commit these one by one. If you are adding a new file that might have 100+ lines of code additions, then that's allowed, just don't add anything else unrelated to that commit!
Please make sure you fetch and merge the latest commits into your local branch before pushing any commits where you might have changed files that would cause a conflict. This does NOT mean that you have to fetch and merge with every commitment or push. Just keep track of the latest commitments and see if someone else might have changed a file you've been working on.
A good habbit would be to first make some couple of commitments, then BEFORE pushing, do a fetch/merge and fix any conflicts (if there are any).
See LICENSE for MCGalaxy license, and license.txt for code used from other software.