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Console Variables (This CFG Is For Both CS:DM And Non-CS:DM Servers)

team_balancer_frequency 5.0 // Team check frequency in seconds (float, for example can be 9.125)

team_balancer_bots_delay 2.5 // Ignored if 'team_balancer_bots' is 1. So, after every 'team check above (humans only)' we will 'bots check' every time. Apply seconds delay between 'humans check' and 'bots check'. To avoid chat spam & stuff. This value needs to be smaller than 'team_balancer_frequency' value (float)

team_balancer_talk_tag "[Team Balancer]" // Chat (talk) tag to use. This isn't used in 'print_center' messages

team_balancer_te_difference 1 // Maximum difference between terrorists team and counter terrorists

team_balancer_ct_difference 1 // Maximum difference between counter terrorists team and terrorists

team_balancer_admin_flag "a" // Admin flag to set admins immune. Examples: a, b, c, d (use "" to disable this feature)

team_balancer_bots 0 // Bots are taken as they were humans (1 = yes & 0 = no, so half bots T + half bots CT)

team_balancer_announce 1 // Announce the player by message if they were transferred

team_balancer_announce_type 0 // Announce type (0 = print_center, 1 = print_chat [print_talk] & 2 = print_chat [print_talk] colored)

team_balancer_announce_all 2 // Announce everyone (0 = no, 1 = yes print_chat [print_talk] & 2 = yes print_chat [print_talk] colored)

team_balancer_screen_fade 1 // Performs a screen fade effect on the player if not 0

team_balancer_sf_duration 1.0 // Screen fade duration seconds, if screen fade enabled (float)

team_balancer_sf_hold_time 0.1 // Screen fade hold time seconds, if screen fade enabled (float)

team_balancer_audio 1 // Audio alert to the transferred player

team_balancer_audio_type 0 // Audio alert type (0 = speak to transferred player ears a teleport like sound, 1 = that player emits that sound globally so players around them can still hear the sound at a lower volume depending on the distance between them [if the transferred player is dead 0 will be used instead] & 2 = like 0 but speak "YOUR NOW [ T / C T ] FORCE")

team_balancer_sf_te_r 200 // Red T

team_balancer_sf_te_g 40 // Green T

team_balancer_sf_te_b 0 // Blue T

team_balancer_sf_te_a 240 // Alpha T

team_balancer_sf_ct_r 0 // Red CT

team_balancer_sf_ct_g 40 // Green CT

team_balancer_sf_ct_b 200 // Blue CT

team_balancer_sf_ct_a 240 // Alpha CT

team_balancer_by_low_frags 1 // Transfer players having the lowest score (1) or highest score (0)

team_balancer_auto 1 // If the enemy team is better or equal (better or equal scoring [frags]) we send to them a player with low frags to perform the balance or a player with high frags otherwise

team_balancer_sorting 1 // Only works if 'team_balancer_auto' is on. If 'team_balancer_sorting' is on, players/ bots will be balanced depending on their score (frags). For example, the second or the third {... and so on ...} best player may also be considered for transfer

team_balancer_respawn 1 // Recommended in CS:DM mods but not limited to. Respawn players once transferred

team_balancer_respawn_type 1 // If 1, players are respawned by 'csdm_respawn' (CS:DM) function if that function exists in your game server. Will be respawned by 'spawn' (FUN) or 'dllfunc' (FAKEMETA) if these modules are present otherwise. If none above exist, only if the player is dead when transferred, 'cs_user_spawn' (CSTRIKE) function will be used. If 0, CS:DM available or not, 'spawn', 'dllfunc' or 'cs_user_spawn' will be used to perform the respawn (this may be good if you want them respawned T/ CT side but you are using CS:DM custom spawn points set everywhere on the map)

team_balancer_respawn_delay 0.25 // Seconds delay between the player respawn moment and the announcements and screen fade (float)

team_balancer_round_end_only 1 // If 1, balance only during round end if 'CS:DM' is disabled. If 'CS:DM' enabled and running, this setting is ignored

team_balancer_round_end_quick 1 // If 1, when balancing the teams only during round end while the 'CS:DM' extension is disabled or missing, ignore the 'team_balancer_frequency' and 'team_balancer_bots_delay' console variables and perform everything very quick

team_balancer_no_respawn 1 // Do not respawn if the 'CS:DM' extension is missing or disabled. This setting has no effect if 'CS:DM' exists and running

team_balancer_transfer_alive 1 // Also allow the transfer of alive players in game servers which are not 'CS:DM' or are 'CS:DM' but 'csdm_active' disabled