This is a (in-progress) list of games made or being developed with Ambient, a multiplayer game engine built with Rust.
Oh, thanks for the help! In this case, please make a PR with your addition to it, I will take a look on it once I can, and approve it (unless it has something to be fixed, in this case I will let you know about it :))
Name: Game's name.
Creator: Who's the human who's making the awesomeness better described below :D
Links: Preferably, if the game is in development, add here a link to its repository - so people know where to go if they want to help, criticize, point to bugs or praise the project :) Also add links here for the game website, its community, etc.
Status: mvp / alpha / beta / 1.0 / post-1.0
Genre: Action game? Platform fighter? Puzzle? You get the drill.
Description: A textual description of what is the game exactly, its features, etc.
Last Updated Info Here: last date when someone looked to the game described here and updated data about it.
Name: Minigolf
Creator: Discord's SK83RJOSH#1337
Links: <- Download there, then follow instructions at to run it.
Status: example, of what Ambient can do.
Genre: Minigolf :D ...that falls into the sports genre? 🤔
Description: I will update this once I can make it run, I'm having some tcp issues with the game on my PC.
Last Updated Info Here: April 19th, 2023.
Name: ambient_arpg
Creator: Discord's wind#1720
Status: arpg demo
Genre: Action RPG
Description: a arpg demo of ambient engine, implemented basic movement, combat and ai.
Last Updated Info Here: April 19th, 2023.