Link to Site: Link
Link to Trello: Link
NutritionMadeEasy is a full stack application that creates meal plans based off of items pulled from the USDA nutrition API. Users are able to create, read, update, and delete mealplans.
- Reactjs (Front-end Framework)
- Express (Server-side Framework for Nodejs)
- PostgreSQL (Relational Database)
- Auth0 (Authentication)
- Axios (Fetch request library)
- Chartjs (Tool for displaying graphs/charts)
- Postman (Testing API/Endpoints)
- Redux (global state manager)
- Adobe XD (Design Layout & Wireframes)
- Trello (Task Manager [Lists of Tools Utilized in Web App])
- Sass (CSS Pre-processor)
- Hosted on Digital Ocean
- Nginx used for reverse proxy
- PM2 used for running server persistently
- Blank
- Blank