Checks the National ID input:
- is valid (regex)
- correct format
- correct citizenship
- correct number of digits
- not blank
- passes checksum
- has a correct date
- is above a minimum age (optional)
Grab from NPM / Yarn
npm i south-africa-national-id-validation
yarn add south-africa-national-id-validation
import verifyNationalIdNumber from 'south-africa-national-id-validation'
number //(string) the number to check
minAge //(number) minimum allowed age
errorMessages: {
format //(string) error to display when format check fails
date //(string) error to display when date check fails
age //(string) error to display when age check fails
checksum //(string) error to display when checksum check fails
Check out the tests for specific use case examples
Based off the westercape docs
Inspired by valid-south-african-id
- Consider using date-fns/toDate helper for date validation once 2.0 is released