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OpenSPIM Manual

Loic Royer edited this page May 29, 2015 · 4 revisions

ClearVolume & OpenSPIM usage



Installation from prepackaged plugin

After you have installed MicroManager and Fiji into the same directory, unzip the file you have downloaded also in this file. You can verify that all the files are in the correct place if you can find a file named SPIMAcquisition.jar in [MicroManagerInstallationDirectory]/mmplugins and a file named ClearVolume-1.0.jar in [MicroManagerInstallationDirectory]/jars.

Installation from source

Using Maven

  1. clone the source code of the plugin from the BitBucket repository.
  2. change to the openspim-clearvolume directory and run mvn
  3. copy the resulting SPIMAcquisition-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar into your µManager plugin directory

Using IntelliJ

  1. clone the source code of the plugin from the BitBucket repository.
  2. open the IntelliJ project file from the openspim-clearvolume directory
  3. in IntelliJ, edit the 'Run in MM' Run/Debug Configuration and make sure that Working directory points to your µManager installation directory (e.g./Applications/MicroManager-1.4 on OS X or C:\Program Files\MicroManager 1.4\ on Windows)
  4. run in the 'Run in MM' configuration, µManager will open. You can run the ClearVolume-flavoured OpenSPIM plugin by clicking Acquire SPIM image in the Plugins menu.


  • when using the OpenSPIM acquisition plugin, simply select ClearVolume live view beside the Oh snap! button

Known issues

  • currently, there is a memory leak in the asynchronous output function - this can be circumvented by simply deselecting asynchronous output