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Update Cloudy test to be compatible with the latest CES code.
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Melanie Bieli committed Feb 20, 2020
1 parent 745c56e commit a122ddf
Showing 1 changed file with 17 additions and 35 deletions.
52 changes: 17 additions & 35 deletions test/Cloudy/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ N0_true = 360.
θ_true = 4.1
k_true = 2.0
u_true = [N0_true, θ_true, k_true]
priors = [Distributions.Normal(300., 50.), # prior on N0
Distributions.Normal(6.0, 2.0), # prior on θ
Distributions.Normal(3.0, 1.5)] # prior on k
priors = [Distributions.Uniform(100.0, 600.0), # prior on N0
Distributions.Uniform(0.0, 12.0), # prior on θ
Distributions.Uniform(0.0, 6.0)] # prior on k

# We assume that the true particle mass distribution is a Gamma distribution
# with parameters N0_true, θ_true, k_true. Note that dist_true has to be a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ for i in 1:N_iter
EKI.update_ensemble!(ekiobj, g_ens)

Expand All @@ -123,6 +122,7 @@ println(mean(exp_transform(ekiobj.u[end]), dims=1))

gppackage = GPJL() # use the GaussianProcesses.jl package
pred_type = YType() # predict the data, not the latent function

# Construct kernel:
# Sum kernel consisting of Matern 5/2 ARD kernel, a Squared Exponential Iso
Expand All @@ -140,26 +140,15 @@ GPkernel = kern1 + kern2 + white
log_u_tp, g_tp = Utilities.extract_GP_tp(ekiobj, 5)
u_tp = exp_transform(log_u_tp)

# Standardize the parameters
param_mean = [mean(prior) for prior in priors]
param_std = [std(prior) for prior in priors]
u_tp_zscore = Utilities.orig2zscore(u_tp, param_mean, param_std)
# Standardize the data
data_mean = vec(mean(g_tp, dims=1))
data_std = vec(std(g_tp, dims=1))
g_tp_zscore = Utilities.orig2zscore(g_tp, data_mean, data_std)

# Fit a Gaussian Process regression to the training points
gpobj = GPEmulator.GPObj(u_tp_zscore, g_tp_zscore, gppackage, GPkernel)
gpobj = GPEmulator.GPObj(u_tp, g_tp, gppackage; GPkernel=GPkernel,
normalized=true, prediction_type=pred_type)

# Check how well the Gaussian Process regression predicts on the
# (standardized) true parameters
u_true_zscore = Utilities.orig2zscore(u_true, param_mean, param_std)
y_mean, y_var = GPEmulator.predict(gpobj, reshape(u_true_zscore, 1, :))
y_mean = cat(y_mean..., dims=2)
y_var = cat(y_var..., dims=2)
y_mean, y_var = GPEmulator.predict(gpobj, reshape(u_true, 1, :))
println("GP prediction on true parameters: ")
println(vec(y_mean) .* data_std + data_mean)
println("true data: ")

Expand All @@ -176,26 +165,19 @@ mcmc_alg = "rwm" # random walk Metropolis
burnin = 0
step = 0.1 # first guess
max_iter = 5000
standardized = true # we are using z scores
yt_sample = Utilities.get_obs_sample(truth)
yt_sample_zscore = Utilities.orig2zscore(yt_sample, data_mean, data_std)
# Normalize covariance of obs noise to determinant 1
truth_cov_norm = (1.0/(det(truth.cov)))^(1.0/n_param) * truth.cov

mcmc_test = MCMC.MCMCObj(yt_sample_zscore, truth_cov_norm,
priors, step, u0,
max_iter, mcmc_alg, burnin, standardized)
mcmc_test = MCMC.MCMCObj(yt_sample, truth.cov, priors, step, u0, max_iter,
mcmc_alg, burnin)
new_step = MCMC.find_mcmc_step!(mcmc_test, gpobj)

# Now begin the actual MCMC
println("Begin MCMC - with step size ", new_step)
u0 = vec(mean(u_tp, dims=1))
# reset parameters
burnin = 1000
max_iter = 100000
mcmc = MCMC.MCMCObj(yt_sample_zscore, truth_cov_norm, priors,
new_step, u0, max_iter, mcmc_alg, burnin,
max_iter = 500_000
mcmc = MCMC.MCMCObj(yt_sample, truth.cov, priors, new_step, u0, max_iter,
mcmc_alg, burnin)
MCMC.sample_posterior!(mcmc, gpobj, max_iter)

posterior = MCMC.get_posterior(mcmc)
Expand All @@ -211,7 +193,7 @@ println("post_cov")
for idx in 1:n_param
if idx == 1
param = "N0"
xs = collect(100:1:500)
xs = collect(100:1:600)
elseif idx == 2
param = "Theta"
xs = collect(0:0.01:12.0)
Expand All @@ -223,8 +205,8 @@ for idx in 1:n_param

label = "true " * param
histogram(posterior[:, idx] .* param_std[idx] .+ param_mean[idx],
bins=100, normed=true, fill=:slategray, lab="posterior")
histogram(posterior[:, idx], bins=100, normed=true, fill=:slategray,
plot!(xs, mcmc.prior[idx], w=2.6, color=:blue, lab="prior")
plot!([u_true[idx]], seriestype="vline", w=2.6, lab=label)

Expand Down

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