MAOOAM v1.1: parallel version
Lua code:
Added walltime and randomseed as integration parameters.
Avoid zero entries in adjoint tensor.
Add RK4 tangent linear (TL) and adjoint (AD) integrator. -
Fortran code:
Add RK4 integrator.
Improve documentation, code comments & organisation.
Add tensor functionality: to compute jacobian and to simplify tensors.
Add multiple compiler support for Makefiles (presently gfortran or ifort).
Add RK2 & RK4 tangent linear (TL) and adjoint (AD) tensors and integrators.
Added a progress bar. -
Lua & Fortran code:
Allow to specify the type of initial conditions: read/rand/seed/zero, and
size_of_random_noise, in the IC file.
Added the parameters files of already published papers (grouped in the folder
Renamed maooam_tl_ad to tl_ad_tensor.Various improvements to comments and documentation.
Updated reference to published article in GMD.