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About Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as:

Runing SMBeez Application

  • Install WAMP Server for PC or MAMP for mac
  • Install Composer (if it's not installed on your PC/Mac).
  • Open the terminal CMD and get sure that it is on the same directory of the files and type composer install
  • Go to localhost/phpmyadmin and login with root and no password (if any error get sure that wamp/mamp is on)
  • Create a database with charset utf8mb4 -- UTF-8 Unicode and collation utf8mb4_general_ci and Upload the sql file in the repo
  • Rename the file called .env.example to .env (found in the main files directory)
  • Set APP_NAME = SMBeez , DB_DATABASE= the name of database u created , DB_USERNAME=root, DB_PASSWORD= (leave empty for password)
  • In the terminal run php artisan serve
  • Go to this page
  • SignIn with | password=password

Integration Usage

  • Run the command npm install
  • Run the command bower install
  • Run the command $ npm run production to produce the new compiled files minified
  • Run the command $ npm run development to produce the new compiled files un-minified
  • Run the command $ npm run rw watch the website changes.
  • Run the command $ npm run watch after php artisan serve (in onother terminal) to watch the website changes.
  • Resources Files can be found at resources/assets/sass/styles & resources/assets/js
  • Files produced can be found at public/css and public js

About Back-End App Build






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