Create any number of subnets across 1, 2, or 3 zones in a single VPC.
Name | Type | Description | Sensitive | Default |
prefix | string | The prefix that you would like to append to your resources | ||
region | string | The region to which to deploy the VPC | ||
resource_group_id | string | ID of the resource group where subnets will be provisioned | null | |
tags | list(string) | List of Tags for the resource created | null | |
vpc_id | string | ID of the VPC where subnets will be created | ||
use_manual_address_prefixes | bool | True if using manual address prefix creation. If false, address prefixes will be created in the VPC automatically | false | |
prepend_prefix_to_network_acl_names | bool | Add the prefix to network acl names when looking them up from network_acls variable. |
true | |
network_acls | list( object({ id = string name = string }) ) | List of ACLs to be used for subnets. | [] | |
public_gateways | object({ zone-1 = string zone-2 = string zone-3 = string }) | Map of public gatways | { zone-1 = null zone-2 = null zone-3 = null } |
List of subnets for the vpc. For each item in each array, a subnet will be created. Items can be either CIDR blocks or total ipv4 addressess. Public Gateways will be enabled only in zones where a gateway has been created.
type = object({
zone-1 = list(object({
name = string # Name of the subnet
cidr = string # CIDR block
public_gateway = optional(bool) # Use public gateway
acl_name = string # Name of network ACL to use. Will only be attached if name is found in var.network_acls
zone-2 = list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
public_gateway = optional(bool)
acl_name = string
zone-3 = list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
public_gateway = optional(bool)
acl_name = string
output "subnet_zone_list" {
description = "A list containing subnet IDs and subnet zones"
value = [
for subnet in ibm_is_subnet.subnet : {
name =
id =
zone =
cidr = subnet.ipv4_cidr_block
module "subnets" {
source = ""
prefix = var.prefix
region = var.region
tags = var.tags
resource_group_id =
vpc_id =
use_manual_address_prefixes = var.use_manual_address_prefixes
network_acls = module.network_acls.acls
public_gateways = module.public_gateways.gateways
subnets = var.subnets
depends_on = [module.address_prefixes] # Force dependecy on address prefixes to prevent creation errors