Pulumi: AWS account credentials: Access Key, Secret Key, and AWS region Configuration To configure the Pulumi stack, create a Pulumi.dev.yaml file in the project directory with the following content:
Copy code config: aws:accessKey: <Your_AWS_Access_Key> aws:secretKey: <Your_AWS_Secret_Key> aws:region: <AWS_Region> vpc:cidrBlock: <VPC_CIDR_Block> Replace <Your_AWS_Access_Key>, <Your_AWS_Secret_Key>, <AWS_Region>, and <VPC_CIDR_Block> with your AWS credentials and desired configuration. Running the Pulumi Stack Initialize the Pulumi stack:
pulumi stack init dev
Install the required Pulumi plugins: pulumi plugin install aws v2.7.0
Preview the changes: pulumi preview
pulumi up Confirm the deployment by typing "yes" when prompted.
pulumi destroy
Output Upon successful deployment, the VPC ID will be available as an output:
VPC ID: <Your_VPC_ID> Contributing Feel free to contribute to this project or report issues. We appreciate your contributions to make it better.
Replace <Your_AWS_Access_Key>, <Your_AWS_Secret_Key>, <AWS_Region>, and <VPC_CIDR_Block> with your specific AWS and configuration values.
aws acm import-certificate
--profile demo
--certificate fileb:///Users/ankithreddy/Desktop/demo_ankithreddy.me/demo_ankithreddy_me.crt
--private-key fileb:///Users/ankithreddy/Desktop/demo_ankithreddy.me/private.key
--certificate-chain fileb:///Users/ankithreddy/Desktop/demo_ankithreddy.me/demo_ankithreddy_me.ca-bundle
--region us-east-1