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Organizr Auth for Nginx Proxy Apps

bendobos edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

You search to secure your applications without configure them one by one and use a central method ?

If you use Organizr, you can add instructions to nginx-proxy config to use authentication of Organizr app.

More information about ServerAuth feature provided by Organizr:

Create a new file within the following directory:

cd /opt/nginx-proxy/vhost.d

Name the file according the following by replacing domain & app name:



Add these block in content of file just created

e.g. for Sonarr app

Update 11/16/2020 for v2

## Auth block - Organizr ##
location ~ ^/auth-(.*) {
    ## Has to be local ip or local DNS name
    proxy_pass http://organizr:80/api/v2/auth?group=$1;
    proxy_pass_request_body off;
    proxy_set_header Content-Length "";


## Auth request for app  - Sonarr ##
auth_request /auth-0; # 0 mean admin level minimum to access
location /api { # We know that sonarr's api-endpoint is /api, so we are gonna open that up.
    auth_request off; # The line that actually opens it up
    proxy_pass http://sonarr:8989/api; # We need to tell nginx where to send the request

You can retrieve more examples of nginx-proxy block for many apps here: if you want optimisation :)

NB: Don't forget to remove "/appname" in location directive as it's directly under a subdomain with Cloudbox.

Apply modifications

You need now to restart nginx-proxy & your app container to apply these modifications.

docker restart nginx-proxy appname

e.g. docker restart nginx-proxy sonarr

You can now test it by using private browsing, access your app directly, you will be denied by a forbidden message, login in organizr and return to your app, access will now be allowed.

Enjoy it :)

Bypass Internal App Authentication

For any apps that have their own authentication using HTTP Basic Auth (username/password popup in browser, not in form) you can configure nginx-proxy to inject authorization headers. This allows the app itself to be secured behind a username/password if somehow it were to be accessed directly and not through the reverse proxy while avoiding double authentication annoyances.

In /opt/nginx-proxy/vhost.d/sub.domain.tld_location

proxy_set_header Authorization "Basic <encodedtoken>";
proxy_pass_header Authorization;

Where <encodedtoken> is Base64 encoded user:pass. i.e. for seed:seed the token would be c2VlZDpzZWVk.

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