Client for hakchi mod ( which allows to access NES Mini's shell, execute commands and transfer files directly via USB, without UART and FEL.
clovershell shell [port]
clovershell ftp [port]
clovershell all [shell_port [ftp_port]] (default) clovershell exec <command> [stdin [stdout [stderr]]]
clovershell pull <remote_file> [local_file]
clovershell push <local_file> <remote_file>
Start shell server on port 23:
clovershell shell 23
Start FTP server on port 21:
clovershell ftp 21
List files:
clovershell exec "ls /etc/"
Download file:
clovershell pull /etc/inittab inittab
Upload file:
clovershell push inittab /etc/inittab
Archive and download files:
clovershell exec "cd /etc && tar -czv *" > file.tar.gz
Archive and download files (alternative):
clovershell exec "cd /etc && tar -czv *" null file.tar.gz
Upload and extract files:
clovershell exec "cd /etc && tar -xzv" file.tar.gz
Upload and extract files (alternative):
clovershell exec "cd /etc && tar -xzv" - <file.tar.gz
Dump the whole decrypted filesystem:
clovershell exec "dd if=/dev/mapper/root-crypt | gzip" > dump.img.gz
Dump the whole decrypted filesystem (alternative):
clovershell exec "dd if=/dev/mapper/root-crypt | gzip" null dump.img.gz