SubPop is a command line utility for finding the differences between one or more tabular datasets.
That is, it identifies the itemsets or patterns that occur in one class of data and not (or infrequently) in another class of data.
Consider the two classes (d1 and d2) below.
class | ||||
d1 | a | c | d | e |
d1 | a | |||
d1 | b | e | ||
d1 | b | c | d | e |
d2 | a | b | ||
d2 | c | e | ||
d2 | a | b | c | d |
d2 | d | e |
SubPop will identify the item sets unique to each class. In this example the values are considered as a bag of values, so the column is ignored.
class | support | |||
d1 | e | b | 0.5 | |
d1 | e | c | d | 0.5 |
d2 | a | b | 0.5 |
Notice (e,b) only occurs in d1 twice, and in d2 zero times.
The support is the ratio of occurrences with the size of the class population.
All SubPop releases are available via Homebrew:
brew tap clusterlesshq/tap
brew install subpop
tess --version
Available on Docker Hub:
And, you can download the latest releases directly from GitHub:
By default, SubPop will track values unique to columns.
Using the mushroom dataset, we see the first pattern found in the dataset below:
class | cap-shape | cap-surface | cap-color | bruises | odor | gill-attachment | gill-spacing | gill-size | gill-color | stalk-shape | stalk-root | stalk-surface-above-ring | stalk-surface-below-ring | stalk-color-above-ring | stalk-color-below-ring | veil-type | veil-color | ring-number | ring-type | spore-print-color | population | habitat | support |
Here we see the values that make up the pattern for the given class and the coverage (support) that class has over the records within that class.
To see the full results:
./gradlew installDist
./build/install/subpop/bin/subpop --input src/test/resources/data/mushrooms.csv --input-header --min-ratio .4 --class-value EDIBLE
# or
cat src/test/resources/data/mushrooms.csv | ./build/install/subpop/bin/subpop --input-header --min-ratio .4 --class-value EDIBLE
Usage: subpop [-hVv] [--input-header] [--output-header]
[--class-col=<classIndex>] [--input-delimiter=<delimiter>]
[--min-ratio=<supportRatio>] [--min-support=<support>]
[--output-delimiter=<delimiter>] [--class-value=<classValue>]...
a tool for diffing datasets
-v, --verbose Specify multiple -v options to increase verbosity.
For example, `-v -v -v` or `-vvv`
--input=<inputs> input data
--input-header has header
--output-header has header
class column name or index
class value
minimum support
minimum support ratio
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
- García‐Vico, A. M., Carmona, C. J., Martín, D., García‐Borroto, M. & Jesus, M. J. del. An overview of emerging pattern mining in supervised descriptive rule discovery: taxonomy, empirical study, trends, and prospects. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.: Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 8, (2018).
- Fan, H. & Ramamohanarao, K. Fast discovery and the generalization of strong jumping emerging patterns for building compact and accurate classifiers. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18, 721–737 (2006).