WaterMePlease is a lazy automatic watering station built using Arduino\MicroView.
The Microcontroller uses the soil moisture sensor to read the humidity of the plantsoil. If this ever hits under 70%, it will start the waterpump for 30 seconds, also having a cooldown time before it can start the pump again so that the water has time to moisten the soil, and so as not overwatering the plant. There is a button on the board for manually running the pump as long as the button is pressed. This is useful when replacing the water of the soda bottle \ water container (tube might be dry inside).
YL-69 was returning a value between 0 (dry) and 800 (submerged in water) when using a 10k resistor, mapping from 0-100% has been adjusted accordingly in the code. You should test your own sensor as well and update the code accordingly.
- 1 x 10k resistor
- 1 x 220ohm resistor
- 1 x Button
- 12V DC power supply
- MicroView (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12923) (Any Microcontroller and display will do, with a bit of customization)
- 12V Peristaltic pump (60ml/min is used here, represented by a motor on the sketch)
- 1 x YL-69
- Tubes for the pump
- Breadboard or prototyping board
A Fritzing sketch is included in the repository.