A Script to run on a RPI zero w to wake up machines if are dead depending on UPS status (On Batteries / On line)
apt get install wakeonlan logrotate apcupsd -y
Set up your apcupsd to either use usb to get the status or net.
put all files in folder /home/pi/awol
chmod u+x /home/pi/awol/awol.sh
Add your machines in your Hostlist file
Described as following title:ip:option|macaddress
test = title = ip address of the host online|always|skip = Online will wake up the host only when ups isnt on batteries, always will wake up the host no matter what, skip will ignore waking the host and continue xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx = mac address of the host to be waken up
careful with :
and |
. There are there for a reason.
then add the following in your crontab
run crontab -e
and paste
*/5 * * * * /home/pi/awol/awol.sh --silent
And now you check the hosts every 5 mins :)
The logs are under
And rotating daily.
Happy wol magic :D