This repository contains an HLQR simulator based on Airsim. The current settings.json file prepares a simulation with 10 agents, 2 targets, and 1 camera drone at 1/10 real time. It should be executed in the Africa environment.
The airsim_ros_cntrl
package is structured in the following way
: A Basic Drone in the airsim
: An agent drone as apart of a
: Defines a team of
: A simulated target for the agents to
: Sets up teams and starts
: Path controlled camera drone
AirsimRos Depends on the following dependencies
- ROS Melodic(Python3)/Noetic
- Python: pymap3d, pycallgraph, control, numpy, scipy, matplotlib
- In addition, the airsim python client needs to be installed by navigating to
and runningpip3 install .
To build run catkin_make
in the catkin_ws
roscd airsim_ros_cntrl/scripts
roslaunch airsim_ros_pkgs airsim_node.launch host:=<ip> publish_clock:=True &