ImageLibrary is a small role based web application that implements a mulitple image file upload feature powered by jQuery and is database driven by assigning unique identifiers to all images and image groups. The primary objective of this project is to provide an example web application for building real-world web applications with ASP.NET MVC 5 and jQuery.FileUpload plugin.
- Identity Framework
- EF 6 Code First
- jQuery.FileUpload
- Open the solution in Visual Studio 2015. Build the solution.
- Open the web.config and change the connecting string "DefaultConnection" for working with your system.
- Execute Update-Database to initialize tables.
- Run the application and login as admin/Password1.
- Web application that impliments a multiple image selection with one submission.
- A reference web application for ASP.NET MVC 5 and EF 6 Code First.
- Improve developer productivity for building web application on the Microsoft Web stack.
- Implement jQuery.FileUpload and provide database backend to manage images.