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An ActiveMQ client built on Akka Build Status Maven Central

The goal of ReActiveMQ is to provide an interface to ActiveMQ messaging that will feel familiar to Akka developers. At this point it is a fairly low-level connection-oriented interface that can consume AMQ queues and topics, send messages to endpoints, and do request-reply messaging, Camel-style, using temporary queues. More features will be added as necessary / requested.

What about akka-camel?

Camel provides a plethora of components, and can be used with JMS/ActiveMQ, and if you need it then by all means use it. If, however, you're bringing in akka-camel, camel-core, and activemq-camel simply to do messaging, dealing with Camel's configuration (string arguments on endpoints, consumers, producers, etc), and adding another even-more blocking layer on top of ActiveMQ, then ReActiveMQ may be for you.

What about (insert-jms-provider-here)?

ReActiveMQ only uses JMS code, except to create the ActiveMQConnectionFactory and ActiveMQMessages. If desired, ActiveMQ support can easily be moved into an optional library and other providers could be added. Make a feature request!


ReActiveMQ depends on akka-actor and activemq-client, but the dependencies are marked as Provided, so the end user must specify them as dependencies.

Add Dependencies:


libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.codemettle.reactivemq" %% "reactivemq" % "1.5.2",
    "org.apache.activemq" % "activemq-client" % "version",
    "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "version"




Create a connection:
import com.codemettle.reactivemq._
import com.codemettle.reactivemq.ReActiveMQMessages._
import com.codemettle.reactivemq.model._

ReActiveMQExtension(system).manager ! GetConnection("nio://esb:61616")

// connectionActor replies with ConnectionEstablished(request, connectionActor) or
//  ConnectionFailed(request, reason)

Connections can be named:

ReActiveMQExtension(system).manager ! GetConnection("nio://esb:61616", Some("myName"))

/* .... */

val connSel = context.actorSelection("/system/reActiveMQ/myName")

Connections can be authenticated:

ReActiveMQExtension(system).manager ! GetAuthenticatedConnection("nio://esb:61616", "user", "pass")
Close connections:
connectionActor ! CloseConnection

The connectionActor will stay alive and valid, maintaining established subscriptions, until reactivemq.idle-connection-factory-shutdown time has elapsed. A new GetConnection will re-use the connectionActor until the idle shutdown, after which a new connection will be created in response to a GetConnection. If a connection is reestablished before the timeout ends, then any actors that are still alive and had previously subscribed to connection status or consumed from queues/topics will be re-subscribed.

Consume from AMQ:
connectionActor ! ConsumeFromQueue("queueName") // shared defaults to true, but can be overridden
connectionActor ! ConsumeFromTopic("topicName") // shared defaults to false, but can be overridden
connectionActor ! Consume(Queue("queueName"), sharedConsumer = false)
connectionActor ! Consume(Topic("topicName"), sharedConsumer = true)

// sender of the consume message receives AMQMessage(body, properties, headers) messages
// for non-shared, the sender additionally receives status messages (see below)

ReActiveMQ also has akka-camel-ish Consumer actors:

// it's important that connection and consumeFrom are defined as defs and not vals, unless in the constructor

class MyTopicConsumer(val connection: ActorRef) extends TopicConsumer {
    def consumeFrom = Topic("mytopic")

    def receive = {
        case msg: AMQMessage =>

class MyQueueConsumer(val consumeFrom: Queue) extends QueueConsumer {
    def connection = ReActiveMQExtension(context.system) autoConnects "myconn"

    def receive = {
        case msg: AMQMessage =>
Shared consumers

By default, consuming from topics opens up 1 consumer in ActiveMQ, and broadcasts all received messages to all subscribers, but consumers established with sharedConsumer set to false will open multiple subscribers in ActiveMQ.

By default, consuming from queues opens up 1 consumer per subscriber in ActiveMQ, but can be shared by setting sharedConsumer to true (which, of course, makes all consumers receive all messages instead of ActiveMQ's behavior of load balancing between multiple queue consumers).

Dedicated (non-shared) consumers

Any consumer created as dedicated (sharedConsumer = false) gets status messages about the consumer state, and, additionally, is allowed to end its dedicated subscriptions without stopping (useful for cleanly shutting down).

Upon subscribing, the subscriber will receive a ConsumeSuccess(Destination) message, or a ConsumeFailed(Destination, Throwable) message. If auto-reconnect is enabled, and the connection is interrupted and reestablished, then ReActiveMQ will attempt to reestablish all consumers (shared and dedicated alike), and dedicated consumers will receive new ConsumeSuccess/ConsumeFailed messages.

To stop a dedicated consumer subscription, send an EndConsumption(Destination) message to the connection actor from the subscribing actor. When the consumer is closed, the subscriber will be sent a ConsumptionEnded(Destination) message.

Send messages:
connectionActor ! SendMessage(Queue("queueName"), AMQMessage(body))

// sender receives SendAck, or a Status.Failure(reason)

ReActiveMQ also has an akka-camel-ish Producer actor:

class MyProducer(val destination: Destination) extends Producer with Oneway

class My2ndProducer extends Producer {
    def destination = Topic("blah")

    override protected def oneway = true

class My3rdProducer extends Producer with Oneway {
    def destination = Queue("q")

    override protected def transformOutgoingMessage(msg: Any) = msg match {
        case str: String => str.reverse
        case _ => msg
Request reply:
// or use ask/? to get a future of the response
connectionActor ! RequestMessage(Queue("name"), AMQMessage(body))

// sender receives the response, or a Status.Failure(reason)

// ReActiveMQ also has an akka-camel-ish Producer actor

class MyProducer extends Producer {
    def destination = Queue("aQueue")

val prod = context.actorOf(Props[MyProducer])

(prod ? "respond to this").mapTo[AMQMessage]
(prod ? AMQMessage("body", JMSMessageProperties().copy(`type` = Some("myJmsType")))).mapTo[AMQMessage]
Connection status notifications:
connectionActor ! SubscribeToConnectionStatus

def receive = {
    case ConnectionInterrupted(connectionActor: ActorRef) =>

    case ConnectionReestablished(connectionActor: ActorRef) =>

// ConnectionReestablished messages will also be sent from standard connections newly
//  established with GetConnection that had previously been closed, but not closed
//  long enough for connection cleanup

Configure autoconnects in application.conf:

reactivemq {
  autoconnect {
    myConn.address = "nio://blah:61616"
    secondConn {
      address = "vm://localhost"
      username = user
      password = pass

And then connections are available on the extension:

val connectionActor = ReActiveMQExtension(system) autoConnects "myConn"

// or perhaps

context.actorSelection("/system/reActiveMQ/secondConn") ! Identify("")
// standard ActorIdentity response with the connectionActor


  • More examples for using the library; more information in README
  • Async sending
  • Needs unit tests
  • Support akka-streams, consume queues/topics as Sources, and send messages as Sinks
  • Easier actor traits, like akka-camel, to create Consumers
  • ???


Apache License, 2.0


  • 1.5.3
    • Support AMQMessages with null bodies
    • Support jms.MapMessages
  • 1.5.2
    • Build for Scala 2.13
  • 1.5.0
    • Upgrade ActiveMQ to 5.15
    • Upgrade Akka to 2.5
    • Add support for ActiveMQ's object serialization security; all are trusted by default
  • 1.0.2
  • 1.0.1
    • Remove Spray dependency
    • Upgrade dependencies
    • Add support for Scala 2.12
    • Fix Travis configuration
    • Thanks to @barredijkstra for much of this
  • 1.0.0
    • Upgrade Akka to 2.4
    • Drop support for Scala 2.10
    • Compile with Java8
  • 0.5.5
    • Oops - request/reply Producer wasn't honoring the requestTimeout parameter
  • 0.5.4
    • Oops - was treating empty/null credentials as valid and passing them on to AMQ
  • 0.5.3
    • Allow automatic connections to be authenticated; the format in application.conf has changed but old configurations are still loaded correctly
  • 0.5.2
    • Load ReActiveMQ as a system actor
    • Fix issue in Request-Reply wrt accessing actor state from a future leading to NPEs
  • 0.5.1
    • SendMessage messages are now replied to with a SendAck case object instead of Unit
    • AMQMessage.bodyAs method (like CamelMessage.bodyAs except no conversion tried, just a ClassCastException if the type is wrong)
    • Support jms.Message (no body, AMQMessage's body field will be null)
    • QueueConsumer can be in consume-only mode, saves an actor creation for each message, but replying to sender() goes to deadLetters
    • AMQMessage.camelHeaders - yields a map with any headers on the message, plus all the JMSMessageProperty properties in the map with "JMS" prefix (allows easier transition from Camel)
    • Producer.transformResponse can be overridden like akka-camel's Producer, may get changed in a future release to return an Option[(Any) => Any] so subclasses can return None and save an actor creation.
    • Use the request message's MessageID as the response's CorrelationID if the request had no CorrelationID in request/reply mode
  • 0.5.0
    • Initial Release
    • Support for major JMS operations in an actor+message passing interface
    • Support for akka-camel-ish Consumer and Producer actors
    • Support for building immutable objects that represent JMS messages in a Scala-ish manner
    • Specify connections to initiate at Extension load time statically in application.conf



An ActiveMQ client built on Akka







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