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tedtieken edited this page May 14, 2013 · 33 revisions

Please add your team and project below. A team should have 1-2 mentors and 2-5 mentees.

if you want to join an existing team, please contact the mentors first.

SIM: web application to manage seed inventory for small, international NGOs

We're building an application for a non-profit that Brian is connected with. They send small packets of seeds to people working with poor farmers throughout the developing world. We'll build a tool for them to manage their inventory. Our hope is that a) this can be of use to them, and b) be open sourced and used by other small seed saving operations throughout the world.

Local Boston chat application with map interaction

We'll be building a real-time chat application with a map so people in Boston neighborhoods can chat with each other and get the scoop on things in real-time, based on location.

  • Mentor: Daniel Choi | email: | webpage | github: danchoi
  • Technologies: HTML5, JavaScript, d3.js, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, Haskell
  • Mentees will learn: How to build fun interactive web features with HTML5, JavaScript, and JSON APIs.
  • Mentees will not learn: Haskell or PostgreSQL (mentor will handle that)
  • Mentee prequisites: You should know HTML and a little JavaScript.

Team members (team is full): Improvements: Project-Mentor-Mentee matching

We're building a project-mentor-mentee matching system for future use in organizing coderaising teams. Key features include project listing and vetting, user profiles that list current skills and skills to be learned.

  • Mentors: Ted Tieken (, Ethan Soergel (
  • Technologies: Django, PostgreSQL
  • Mentees will learn: Django, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, HTML / CSS / jQuery
  • Team members:
    • Jennifer Morton
    • Brian Yee
    • Yi Han
    • TJ Keemon

Planet Hopper: An educational web app to explore the NASA Kepler Mission

We're building an educational platform aimed at presenting the NASA Kepler mission and its results to middle school students. The goal is to inspire students to learn about what makes a planet habitable, how the Kepler mission is run, and explore the planets that it has found.