This plugin you can give vehicle with custom or random plate number into player's garage with command
also you can delete a vehicle by plate
In game: (give permission in config)
Give a car to the target player: /givecar [playerID] [vehicle] <plate>
Give a plane to the target player: /giveplane [playerID] [vehicle] <plate>
Give a boat to the target player: /giveboat [playerID] [vehicle] <plate>
Give a helicopter to the target player: /giveheli [playerID] [vehicle] <plate>
Note: If plate is none will randomly generate a new plate
Delete a owned car by plate: /delcarplate [plate]
On console: (prefix need change to "_")
_givecar [playerID] [car] <plate>
_giveplane [playerID] [car] <plate>
_giveboat [playerID] [car] <plate>
_giveheli [playerID] [car] <plate>
_delcarplate [plate]
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.ReceiveMsg = true
-- Allow below identifier player to execute commands
Config.AuthorizedRanks = {
-- 'admin'
- es_extended
- esx_vehicleshop
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