Team TBC at CTC15
#F.A.R.T. API This project contains a nodejs API, example use:
- id = sensor luftdaten ID
- end_date = the most recent date your interested in. (defaults to today)
- start_date = the most historic date your interested in. (defaults to 2 days before today)
This returns weather data at an hourly interval from Dark Sky between the given dates. The format is:
time: "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
summary: "Overcast",
icon: "cloudy",
precipType: "rain",
temperature: 46.95,
apparentTemperature: 40.47,
dewPoint: 35.6,
humidity: 0.64,
windSpeed: 16.1,
windBearing: 281,
cloudCover: 1,
uvIndex: 0,
visibility: 6.22,
UTC: 1546300800
time: "2019-01-01T01:00:00.000Z",
summary: "Partly Cloudy",
icon: "partly-cloudy-night",
precipType: "rain",
temperature: 45.14,
apparentTemperature: 37.85,
dewPoint: 30.19,
humidity: 0.56,
windSpeed: 17.22,
windGust: 36.91,
windBearing: 300,
cloudCover: 0.44,
uvIndex: 0,
visibility: 6.22,
UTC: 1546304400
time: "2019-01-01T02:00:00.000Z",
summary: "Mostly Cloudy",
: and so on.
See Dark Sky for more details: