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Problem Statement: Attendance Module (Group 18) ✨


Work done:

  • Setting up server: Apache is the name of our web server wherein it will handle all the files as well as serve as the communication to the web browser. [1] [2]
  • Creating the HOME Page: index.php - The home page of the website. [3] [4]
  • Creating the includes Pages:
    • header.php - header of the website. [2] [4]
    • navbar.php - navigation bar of the website. [1] [3] [5]
    • scripts.php - all scripts of the website. [3] [5]
    • footer.php - footer of the website. [2] [4]
  • js: It contains javascript files for the website. [3] [4]
  • css: The stylesheet files for the website. [1] [2] [3] [5]
  • images: Images for the website. [1] [5]


Work done:

Main content of website (pages):

  • Teacher Section:

    • teachersection.php: take attendance. [6] [7] [9]
    • date_view.php: date wise attendance report. [7] [9]
    • student_view.php: update attendance.[6] [7]
    • add.php: add student.[7] [8]
  • Student Section:

    • studentsection.php: attendance report. [6] [8] [9]
    • student_ section_view.php: check attendance. [6] [8]
    • allstudents.php: all student data present in database. [8] [9]


Work done:

  • Creating the database and its tables: MySQL is our database which will store all of our information. [10] [12]
  • Database Connection lib (config.php - Database connection script): It contain configuration files, common functions and database connection script. [10] [11] [12] [13]
  • Preparing the Database: database.php file utilize CRUD statements in SQL - Create, read, update and delete records in a database. [10] [11] [13]
  • Capturing User Input: student.php & format.php.
    • Adding Records to the Database. [11] [12]
    • Retrieving Records from the Database. [10] [12] [13]
    • Updating Records. [11] [13]

About: 📋

Attendance Module is a software project developed for daily student attendance in schools, colleges and institutes. The purpose of developing attendance module is to computerize the tradition way of taking attendance. This project will help the student to get information about the current status of their Attendance, anytime they want.

Technologies Used: 💻

Attendance Module project is developed in a standard way using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, PHP and MySQL.

Requirements: 📝

  • PHP 5.3 or higher: Used as the Web development environment.
  • MySQL 5.6 or higher for spatial features in MySQL.
  • XAMPP/WAMP Apache HTTP server for localhost: Used as the Webpage hosting server.

Installation: 🔑

  1. Install XAMPP or WAMP. If you already have it then skip.
  2. Open XAMPP Control panel and start [apache] and [mysql].
  3. Download the source code and extract the source code to a web accessible folder C:\xampp\htdocs.
  4. Create a database (group18) and import database from given group18.sql file.
  5. After importing successfully. open any browser and type https://localhost/group-18/.
  6. You are ready to go!

Screenshots: 📷

A. Dashboard:


B. Teacher Section:

Take Attendance

Attendance Report

View/Update Attendance

Add Students

C. Student Section:

All Students Data

Student Section Attendance Report

Check Attendance