@Mega-Barrel - saurabhjoshi7869@gmail.com
- Worked on creating the code for the API to insert data into postgresql database.
- Fixed bugs that caused data not be inserted to the database.
- Helped @so-bit to create postgreSQL schema.
@himanshu-patil - himanshu15122000@gmail.com
- After I had a word with the group members, I made the connectivity part of the database by creating a file (db.js) for the connection to the PostgreSQL database.
@so-bit - sonalbijitkar2015@gmail.com
- Downloaded and Created the PostgreSQL database schema and tables required as per problem statement.
@Shubhamcm - shubham.c.mishra@icloud.com
- Created Project boilerplate files and helped in writing JS codes.
- Helped in Database design and Working of the Application.
@Archana70 - archanapotraj7050@gmail.com
- Discussed with group members in which direction we have to work.
- Learn working of Git.
- Explored technical aspects for developing solution and designing it.
@rohitlotlikar - lotlikar.rohit50@gmail.com
- Deciding the schemas for the database, Create the table in the database, learning to connect node js with postgres database
- Worked on Database connection to Node js. Helped inserting dummy data in the tables for testing.
- Created question page which extracts the created questions from database and options of the question, Created a form interface to take input from user as a answer and direct that answer to a different route so that answer can be comitted to a database.
- Created a interface to display all the question and their respective options.
- Collected all the inputs from the user an and stored it in a javascript object.
- Created the logic for entering the user input data into the database and check if the data is already entered or not.
- Created Code to enter the information in exam table as to extract the results of the exam taken by the user
- Run
npm install
to install all the dependant packages to run the app.
- Run
- Install PostgreSQL, and create following tables:
- Follow the code written in
and copy and paste the code in the codewind database.
- Create a
file on your local system and add the following contents in the file -
password = postgresql password database = database Name host = localhost port = portnumber
- Make sure you are adding the right details in the
- Create a
- Download and Install the Postman app, which will require to add our data values.
Type the following command in yout terminal
nodemon index.js
Open Postman Application, Create a New Application and Click on API and give your API a name -> Select Schema format to JSON.
In the URL section, Select POST and paste the following link:
Type the following JSON code for inserting UsersData.
- Paste this Link in Postman URL tab: http://localhost:5000/userRegister.
{ "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "username": "JohnDoe24", "password": "#$*!)" }
- Paste this Link in Postman URL tab: http://localhost:5000/userRegister.
Type the following JSON code for inserting Teachers data.
- Paste this Link in Postman URL tab: http://localhost:5000/teacherRegister.
{ "tfirstname": "Chloe", "tlastname": "Summer", "tusername": "SummerChl", "tpassword": "Chloe82#" }
- Paste this Link in Postman URL tab: http://localhost:5000/teacherRegister.
Type the following JSON code for inserting answers data.
- Paste this Link in Postman URL tab: http://localhost:5000/userAnswers.
{ "users_id": 1, "answer_selected": "b", "correct_answer": "d" }
- Paste this Link in Postman URL tab: http://localhost:5000/userAnswers.
Verification Phase
- Check with the database if record is inserted or not.
- You will also get a status code in Postman Application to verify if data has been inserted or not.